ElUlntte ' Torcleos nunbora 1 and 2 of Pirat Loason, and nuobero 10 and 11 of your Ihlrd lesson*
jrorclio 21.
Jhle eowrclae la by far one o: the fineat 1 kace of to girę any ptrror. a >^wornil bao
Tito lnuortant wooloo ln your eplnal e choino auro tho ono b kncwn aa the Spina o
Tnoy run. ono on oaoh aide of your spina. fro& oe(inninr. to end.
In tho Lunbar region, the ma.ll of your haok, they bulk tho heawleat. Juat the sana. the troaondoua powor that they eon acqulro, coctenda all along your splno.
•yo-i tho lunbar region they bogiń to fufeoerge undor your othor baok aueoles, but thore are no ofchcr wkIn withln yow bocie that aro aa oapahlo of powerful Yolltlon and oontortlon aa thooo eplnal eolusno*
The Latieolauo dorei joioelea ora the lar-?>st withtr your bacie schotne ua-ioubtcdiy, but the qu-lity and oporatlon are dirforont*
Ycru will rind that a poroon eanaot uee oauoh pounda;;e on the Kilonm Bollo wtvon praetleing thie exerelse. ror tho leoerage adiraatagM śirea by tho are prerent auoh a oircu- m tonon.
You tako tan your poaitlon with the arie hołd overheod wifcJt a fu la rum Bell ho ld ln eiteh band.
Your fbet ahould be opaood apart, and your whole poieo nuat be one of
•fon tnie pooltion you turt.
Brcatho lr. a»: bend ov«r SUW \T8 ae far aa you oan.
Carofully oxrvnlao the tlluatratlon beforo you bogiń*
Im n you hawo gono tho liait of tho aide bend, o ono baok to poaltion one aad bend ovor to tho o--eaito aldo.