jow08 06

jow08 06

Jo ccerwncc wlth, atar.d Ib tha aract poeltier. aa Ib Poaltlon Ona* Sea that tha tack of your hand la facia- dSraotly forwarć and your hand bant ftoa tho wrlet uo. THlfl 15 BFOETAPT. If you nogleet that, you throw tha ■upinatcr .tubcIob out of aetlon.

Kro? your lara rlgid, and your ohoot hołd up, your chin forward, and tho rauclaa of your nipa ir.»9J,

tnth artna ttraight and tsnaad, bogiń to ralao thr*-. upiard ln a ciroular : cwoaent. han tha balia ooaa to tha ar/,la parallel wlth your ahouldore, STOP.

Ijolć thoa thcra a mooont, and a* alowly aa you rai sad thon, lewar than. Abaolutely do not band beokwarda, and kaat» tha alr circulatlng by breathlr.,. in aa you rai ca your »rsi, and out aa you lowor than.

Farfbrn Łhli novanont slx tinoi, and add ona nowenant arery thlrd nirht untll tao lwa rapa ti tlona hnrc taan roachad, than eoercnca orar ar alr. with tha count af eix, but do not ba tao amelous to lncreto© tha pouedago.

D0»»?2 10 AVOIB.

:«on»t and your ‘.ody froa tha aalat haok, or t«nd yrur laga «p your arna.

Dor.*t fbrfat to koap your ohoat UP, and braatha ln and out aa adviaod.

Dan't naglcct tha ^ooitlon of your honda* Tura your fiata un and at all tlnaa Ibclng front wlth tha baok of your hond up.

Don*t ralaa and iouor tha balia qulokly. Tha alonor tho bottor.

Doa't nofloot tbo atudy of tha photo potas. Potlea how tho haala ara eloa# terethor, and tha parfaetly oraot lino of tho body. Iłów tho ehlr. la hałd, an.1 tha oxaot potitlon of tha arru ln Poaltlon ?wo.

Łttrola# 32.

Thla nunbor you will flnd rathor i lffloult and por ha pa a littlo bard to fi*map, ao plaaae ba patlont and a budy tho adrico wlth tho photo posaa by your a Ida and you will gat lt.

Tou taka uo your po.Utloe aa lr 'oeltior. Ona. 3oth arna lr. a lina loral wlth ahouldora. Sotleo tha dłffaranoa of tha ara poaltionc. In tho flrat poaltlon, tho palna of the honda ara tumad 7p. TEA? la t)\o bogicinlnr. of thls exeroi«a. Tour naxt moro la to band your ara at tha albow, and draw your fiat to your abouićer in a Tigoroua tomant of eantraetloni aa your fiat raaehas tho laltoid, bagia to dai-orlbo • oirclo wlth your hand tura Ing on tho wrlatj your handa will thon bo ln tho poflitioni as ln Poaitlon TVo. Pror. that poaltlon, puah out wlth your arna eo that ln tho finał poaltlon, your handa will bo outrtrotcboć aa ln Poaltlon rhroo.

Ploaao noto coroflilly that tho laat poaltlon la !K>T a duplleato of tho flrat. Wharaaa tho ?>lma of tha handa aro turr.od UP la tho flrat poaltlon, in tho laat, tho palna of tka handa ara tura od DOTO..

Tho wfcola moraaanfc, fros tho flrat poaltlon to tha laat, la ona oontlnuoua noYorsont, and tho aotlon of your raaoloa la euoh aa lnvolvaa your bloape, doltolda, and your suplnator, aa «all aa your auaoloa of rotation.



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