W. RLOOMFIELD Weight 13-stone
Horbury. nr. Wakefield, write* : Dear Ai>o|]on,
Iłowevcr can I thank you for the Great Strength and Develop-ment your wonderful Course bas given me. Myself, friends, and even my wite. are amazed at the rapid way 1 havc dcvdopcd with otliy two "nionths training.
I miglu $ay 1 had often tried to bend 6-in. nails, but Could never
matter Imw hanf'1 tried. Now 1 can bend 6-in. nails and iron bars like putty.
My chest is now 43-in. e.tpanded. also my thighs havc incręased another i-in. each this last <even days. What I like about vour Course is - IT’S SO INTEREST-ING and differeut from other
Yours for Manly Strength, (Signcd) W. IłLOOMFIELD.
LAURENCE A. CHAPPELL. Gold Nedalllst. w ho est&blished many strength records.
Dear Apollon.—I wish to record my appreciotion for the magni licem rcsults I havc Jcrivcd front your Course, the proof of which was witnessed in my achievement last night when 1 broke the British Record for the Rectangular Fix, lifting one cwt. officially. This is cntircly due to your system of training, on which I cotnmenccd only four nionths ago. I wish you every succcss and your imeresting course all the credit it dc-scrvcs, the fcc and claims for which are all too modest.
Yours faithfully,
La test Records: World'* Rectangular Fix Rccord ISOJdbs. ; World’* 12-st. Slow Curl Record, 1601-lbs. ; World'$ 12-st. Record Right Hand Pcad Lift, 502-lbs.
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