Cuba, in January 1995 gave rise to his Havana Project, which is a proposal for a dynamie reassessment of the architectural needs of this city. The drawings of Lebbeus Woods, together with proposals on the same theme by Coop Himmelblau, Zaha Hadid, Steven Holi, Thom Mayne, Erie Owen Moss, and Carme Pinós, were conceived for an exhibition whose theme would be the movement toward "archi-tecture that comprises complexity, sensitivity, and dynamics; architecture that focuses on the human being and withstands commercial definitions; architecture that copes with new tasks as well as the old traditional ones - an everyday architecture that yet contains the claim of universality and topicality - architecture as a uni-versal and unifying metaphor of space, time and body." Although the participants in this conference were all architects, they are also architects who tend toward an artistic vision of their work. The movement of art and architecture toward each other seems both inevitable and fruitful.
168 Art ano AecHiTicruee
Above Frank Stella “Hooloomooloo 1,2.3"
Triptych, 1: 340 x 299 cm;
2 : 340 x 630 cm; 3 : 340 x 2S4 cm, 1994
Many of the recent works of Frank Stella arc derwed from his experi-mentation with the manipulation on a Computer of forms soch as those of smoke rmgs. Although his architectural projects, such as the wmg of the Gromnger Museum, which was cventually built by Coop Himmelblau, have not come to fruition, it is obvious that he maintains a substantial interest m the point of juncture between two and three dimensions in his art.