New Forms Taschen 221

New Forms Taschen 221

Otto Steidle

Born in Munich in 1943. Otto Steidle ttudied at the Akademio der Bildenden Kumie mthat city Irom 196$ to 1969 In 1966, he created the firm Muhr ♦ Steidle, and in 1969 Steidle ♦ Partner. He has (aught eirtentively. in Munich, Kastel. Berlin, Amsterdam and at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts (1991.1993) He has been Rector of the Munich Akademie der Bildenden Kumie lince 1993 Built work indudei housing on the Center Strasie in Munich, where hehashit officei(1969-7S); the Kreutgatien Quarter. Nuremberg (1986-93); and the headquarten of Gruner ♦ )ahr. Hamburg (1983-91) Work under comtruct ion mcludei a retidential and commercial buildmg, Landshut, and the Pensioni Fund Build mg of the Wacker Chemie Corporation in Munich.

Simon Ungers

Born m 1957 in Cologne. Germany, emmigrated to the United States in 1979 B Arch . Cornell 1979 Founding partner of UKZ(1981); Assistant Profetsor of Architecture at Syracuse Uniyersity. New York. 1981-86 Hobbs Residence, Lansmg, NY. 1982; Honorable Mention. Japan Opera HouseCompetition, 1986. Assistant Profetsor of Architecture at Renitelaer Polytechnk Institute (1986-1992) Numerous mttallations: Gallery Sophia Ungers. Cologne. Germany. 1993; Sandra Genng Gallery. New York. 1992 1995 First Phze in Holocaust Memoriał Competńion, Berlin. Germany


Born in Shimane Prefcctute in 1948. Shin Takamattu graduated Irom Kyoto Uniyersity in 1971 and from the Craduate School of the same mttitu-tion in 1979 After workiilg with Kiyoshi Kawaiaki from 1971 to 197S. he created hit own office in Kyoto in 197S. He hat taught at Kyoto Techmcal Umversity and at the Osaka Uniyersity of Ant Profitmg amply from the build-mg boom of the 1980i. Takamattu completed a large number of ttructuret mcludmg: Ongin I. II and III (Kamigyo, Kyoto. 1980-86). the Kinn Płaza. Chuo. Osaka (1985-87); andSyntan, Sakyo-ku. Kyoto (1988-90). In hit morę recent. lett mechanical style. Takamattu hat completed the Kinn Headquanert. Chuo-ku. Tokyo (1993-95); the Shop Ueda Muteum of Photography. Kithimoto cho, Totton (1993-95); and the Nagasaki Port Terminal Buildmg. Motofune-cho. Nagasaki (1994-95)

Valode & Pistre

Denis Valode was born in 1946. and was a profetsor of architecture at the ćcole des Beau* Ans (UPl and UP2) from 1972 to 1985 Jean Pistre wat born m 1951. Theyfirst worked together m 1977 and estabłithed their Office Valode & Pistre m 1980. Built work mcludei the renovation of the CAPC. Bordeaui (1990); the mstalla-tion of the Direction r4gionale des Affairet Culturelles (Regional Cultural Authority) tn an eighteenth century buildmg. Lyon (1987-92). CFDT Headquanert, Parts (1986-90); Shell Headquaners. Reuil Malmaison. France (1988-91); EPS Schlumberger. Ciaman (1989-93); Leonardo da Vmci Uniyersity. Courbevoie. France (1992-9S); Air France Headquaners. Ronty Airpon (1992-95). Outtideof France, they have worked on a planned Media Tower. Babelsberg. Potsdam (1993). and offices and a hotel also tor Potsdam (1993)


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