Born m Valcnoa m 1951, Santiago Calatrava studicd art and architecture at the Etcuela Tłcmca Superior de Arąuitectura in Valencia (1969-74) and engmeering at the ETH in Zunch (doc torate <n Tcchmcal Science, 1981). He opened lut owi architecture and civil engmeenng officc the tamę yeer. Hit built work mcludet Callery and Hentage Sguare, 8CE Place. Toronto (1987-92). the Bach de Poda Brtdge. Barcelona (198S-87); the Torre de Montjuic. Barcelona (1989-92): the Kuwait Pavilion at Expo 92. Seville: and the AJamillo Bridge for the tamę eihibrtion. He wat a finalitt in the com-petition for the Rcichttag in Berlin, and plant to build a muteum of tcience and a commumcationt tower in Valencia.
Bom m New York m 1932. B. Arch. Corncll, M. Arch. Columbia. Mattert and Ph 0. degreet. Univertity of Cambridge. Great Britarn. Peter Eitenman hat taught at Cambridge. Pnnceton. Yale and Harvard at well at the Unnrertity of lllmoit and Ohio State Unnrertity. Mam buildmgt: Werner Center for the Vitual Am. Ohio State Univertity. Columbut, OH (1982-89): Koizumi Sangyo Burlding. Tokyo, lapan (1987-89); Greater Columbut Convention Center, Columbut, OH (1989-93). Current projeett mdude the Center for the Am, Emory Unnrertity. Atlanta. GA. and the Arnoff Center for Detign and Art, Unnrertity of Crncinnati. OH.
Bom m Romę in 1944. Mattimihano Fuktat received hit degree from the Faculty of Architecture m Romę m 1969. Oeated the architectural Office 'Granma* wrth Anna Mana Sacconi (1969-88) Havmg completed a large number of projeett in Italy. he began to be known m both Italy and France at of the late 1980t wrth projeett tuch at hit new cemetery in Orvieto (1990). the town hall and hbrary of Catfino (1990). and in France, the M6diath4que. R4z4 (1991) and the Ecole nationale d Ingemeurt de Brett (ENIB. 1992). Morę recently. he completed the re-itructunng of a city błock on the Rue Candiem Parrt (1987-93) Current work mcludet the Lycde Techmque in Alfortville. the Place det Nationt m Geneva. a 150 m high tower in Vienna. and a large thoppmg center m Salzburg.
A 196S graduate of the Architectural Attociauon. Nicholat Grimthaw wat born m 1939 m London. He created hit pretent firm. Nicholat Grimthaw and PartnertUd., m 1980 Hitnumerout factory ttructuret mdude thote built for Herman Miller m Bath (1976), BMW at Bracknell(1980). thefurm. turę maker Vitra at Weil am Rhem, Germany (1981), and f or t he Financial Timet m London m 1988 He alto built houtet attociated with the Samtbury Supermarket Devek>pment m Camden Town (1989). and the Britith Pavilion at the 1992 Uniyertal Enhibition m Seville.
Bom in 1956 m Amtterdam, Erick van Egeraat attended the Technicel Umvertity Delft. Department of Architccturc. from which hc graduated ■n 1984 Profettional practice tmcc 1981.Cofounderof Mccanoo archi-tectt m Delft (1983). Founder of Erick van Egeraat Attociated Architectt (1995). Recent and current work in-dudet faculty buildmg of the Facultiet of Phyuct and Attronomy, Unnrertity of Leiden (1988-96); Naturę and Science Muteum. Rotterdam (1989-95), Pop Art Enhibition. Kuntthal, Rotterdam, 1995. Houtmg Sternttratte. Dretdcn (1994 ). Leonardo da Vinci enhibition detign. Rotterdam 1995-96. Kuntthal Rotterdam; reconttruction of the 'Grotę Marki' tguareeatt. Gronmgen; Utrecht Centrum Project, matterplan 1995-96
Bom m Manchetter m 1935. Norman Fotter ttudicd at the Uni»ertity of Manchetter and at Yale m 1963 After workmg briefly wrth Buckmmtter Fuller, he founded 'Team 4' with Sir Richard Rogert. and created Fotter Attociatet m 1967 Knighted in 1990, Sir Norman Fotter hat notably built the Samtbury Center at the Umvertity of Eatt Anglia. Norwich (1978); the Renault Dittribution Center. Swmdon (1983); the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank tower in Hong Kong (1986); and the terminal for Stantted Airport (1981 -91). Current projeett mdude: the Commenbank m Frankfurt, the tallett buildmg in Europę; Hong Kong t new airport. and Kmgt Crott Station in London.
Born in Toronto. Canada. in 1929. Frank O. Cehry ttudied at the Unnrertity of Southern Califorma. Lot Angelet (1949-51), and at Hanrard (1956-57) Principal of Frank O. Cehry and Attociatet. Inc.. Lot Angelet. tince 1962. he received the 1989 Pritzker Prize. Some of hit notable projeett are the Loyola Law School. Lot Angelet (1981 -84); the Norton Retidence. Vemce. CA (1982-84); Califorma Aerotpacc Muteum. Lot Angelet (1982-84); Schnabel Retidence. Brentwood (1986-89). Fettnral Ditney. Marne ■ la • Vall4e. France (1988-92). Uniyertity of Toledo Art Buildmg. Toledo. OH (1990-92); American Center, Paot. France (1988-93);
Ditney Concert Hall. Lot Angelet (conttruction temporanly halted); and the Guggenheim Muteum, Bilbao. Spam (under conttruction).
Born m Kawataki. lapan m 1936.
Hirothi Hara received hit BA from the Unnrertity of Tokyo (1959). hit M A. m 1961 and hit Ph.D. from the tamę mtti-tution m 1964. before bemganattoci ate profettor at the Unńertit/t Faculty of Architecture. Though hit fint work datet from the earły 1960t, he began hit collaboration with Atelier e m 1970 Notable ttructuret mdude numerout pnvate houtet. tuch at hit own reti dence. Hara Houte. Machida, Tokyo (1973-74). He participated in the 1982 International Competition for the Parć de la Villette. Pant; built the Yamato International Buildmg (Ota ku. Tokyo) 1985-86; the lida City Muteum, lida. Nagano (1986-88); and the Sotettu Culture Center. Yokohama. Kanagawa (1988-90) Recent work mcludet the Umeda Sky City, Kitaku, Osaka (1988-93); and the Kyoto JRStation. Sakyo ku. Kyoto (1990-97)