Fresented to Duke Otto von Siert on the
% ^anbsanb^rifos-^
2j22nd Year oj the Empire of Sigmar.
North of here lie the Dreaded Chaos Wastes
\ Kraka y Ornsmotek
Kraka Drak
My Lord von Siert, the chartyou now hołd has been the hardest commission to datę. Securing accurate Information regarding the lands of the Northmen ha$ been all but impossible; however, as you suspected, Gardrinsson has proved most resourcef ul. He managed to obtain charts siting Kraka Drak and three smaller Holds, along with a Norse Dwarf port, Sjoktraken. The other details have been determined from rwo Elven maps I acąuired whilst visiting Marienburg and the tesdmony of several Norse immigrants. I hope the result fulfilsyour curiosąy sufficiently. Your seruant, Matthais Thornhauser