


: BMfflWi Dotort»lą»kił Ntonadeibip. The goods from grave 489 (26 - iron; 27-28 - brcne) I4m by Nicole Lcnlcow)

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KCied[ g that assemblage. The grave lay directly in sand and did not have any slnepacking. A part from an urn (vessel 2) it contained 9 secondaty vessels. The glass bead has a shapc of a flattened sphere, is dark navy-blue and decorated with ł ifi-ups of double circular lines madę with yellow pastę, i.e. so-called ey es. The v*l pomts of the ''eyes" are dark navy-blue and differ with respect to their di->der - i.e. rwo have a bigger diameter and one is smali. The bead is 1.4 cm in dilfiieter, 1.0 cm high and the hole's diameter is 0.4 cm.

The lilling of an illegally cxcavated grave (a selected find 36/05). A glass bead daconted w ith “eyes” (typc VI) occurred under the relics of a słone pave-raeffl, most probably in the place of destroyed grave. It is almost a look-alike copy tation of the specimcn discovered in the surroundings of grave 516, however. it has slightly darker colour, almost black. The dimensions of the bead are: diameter I.3 cm, height 0.9 cm. hole's diameter 0.4 cm.

The filling of an illegally excavated grave (a selected find 2/05). From ihatdevastated grave comes a bead which has an approximately cylindrical shapc (t>p« V), similar to the other two, discovcred in grave 489. It is dark-blue, al-raost ntvy-blue. and is decorated vertically with a wavy linę madę of yellow glass pastel Circular lines surround also the edges of the holes. The bead is l .2 cm in dianieter, 0.9 cm high and the hole's diameter is 0.45 cm.

Taking no account of the devastated objeets. in all the graves in Miloslawice glass beads formed necklaces. and in two objeets they were accompanted by am-ber beads (grave 318 with glass beads of types I and II; grave 381 with glass beads of types II and III). The necklaces madę only of glass beads contained specimens ofone type (typc III in graves 290 and 479; typc I in graves 304 and 484), two dif-rent types (types II and III in grave 529). or exceptionally five types (types I-II. IV—VI in grave 489). To recapitulate, at the discussed cemetery occurred glass beads, among which six types were distinguished on the basis of their shapes. and colours.

Beads of type I (Fig. 3: l~4) occurred in 4 graves (304. 3I8. 484. 489), •*0 exemplars in total. They are flatten-globular, morę or less regular, havc most icn smooth surfaces (shiny) and are dark-blue. On some beads there are irregu-grcy-brown holes, which are a result of mechanical damage. A part from 124 Jrcorated beads there occurred 16 decorated vertically with a \vavy linę. madę of wbite glass pastę. !t seems that most of thc beads has decorative patterns set in their surfaces. The dimensions of the beads oscillate within the borders: diameter '!■64), 8 cm, height 0.3-0.5 cm, hole’s diameter 0.25-0.45 cm. That type of beads


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