

I. K 4 Miloslawicc, Dolnośląskie Vuivodcstiip tiku h—ik from the gravcs k    •łsravc.vkvtcOUad16Q5:9-kuku

H SIS wtornO Roił IW (I 4 lypc IV. S-« ryy V. 7 u i>p» Vn(r*ot M»m ł—U

oand trom light-bluc to dark-blue. stecl-bluc. silvery-blue. silvery and one ;\«L Th* ditTcrcnees in colour seern to be a rcsult of secondaiy burnmg. Thcir l aR pjugh, in somc cases "putnice-like”. Traces of technołogical ircat-; I iMble on the surfacc of most of the bends. including spiral and arebed towards the holes. On many of the beads. there are morę or less probably the traccs left by escaping air. The common feature | beads i lack of decoration. They are 1.0-1.3 cm in diameter, 0.6-1.1 cm I holes' diameters are 0.5-0.55 cm. In gravc 4S9 a young person was ID the age of luwnis/Adultus (a young woman?).

Beads af typ* V (Fig. 4: 5-6) are only 3 specimens. Two of them occurred ps\e 489 (Fig. I: B) and one in an illegalK excavated grave (sełected find J OS). Tbey are almost cylindrical and barrel-shaped, of dark-blue, nearły navy-teeołour. Ali the beads are vertically decorated with a yellow wavv linę and JHjr colour linę around the holes. Thev are 0.95-12 cm in diameter. 0.6-Mtthigh and the holes’ diameters are 0.35-045 cm. Two of the beads from pm 489 belong to the necklace which was also formed from specimens of types 9kH, l\' and VI. The person cquipped with it was at the age of Iiiwms.Atlulms (tyaungwonun ’>

Beads of type VI (Fig. 4: 7-9) are only 3 specimens as well. They wete 4wwtd in gravc 489 in the vicinity of grave 516 and in an illegally excavated pńi(ttkcted find 36/05). They have a shape of slightly flanened sphete and mdKomted with 3 groups of double circular lines madę with yellow pastę - so-illcd “eye" pattems. Two beads are verv well presened and the baekground be-waktlK ornament is dark navy-blue. almost black (shiny). The central potnts of ^hecyes" are the same colour as the baekground. but thcir diameters are different (■mery bcad there are two bigger and one smallcr “eye”). A fragment of a bead IMMtd from gravc 489 is dark-grey. which is probably a result of secondary nfisa The dimensions of the beads are very similar; they are 1.0-1.4 cm in 0.9-1.0 cm high. and the holes' diameters are 0.35 -0.40 cm.

Ib Miłosław icc, the graves with glass beads were locatcd in the west part of MMiail fragment of the necropolis. in the zonę uscd for burials only in the carly 'fon Age (HaO. Without thorough analysis of the clustets of graves discovercd the cemctery (lamily grases?. ancestr.il graves?) it is hard to State unequivo-whethor they were located in a specifie way. emphasizing the position of vlc»d buried there. or rather the discusscd space of the cemctery containing a ip of •'richer-' equipped graves proces generał improvements of standanls of


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