C ^ ?h£ju-U^Y k
from publishing such facts.ałthough this is cłearly ta] our loee
safeguard the unity of the Allies. Our reticence isthoweverf ted by Russia.thus placing us in an intolerable position.-Polish Government.responsible for the weliare our country,
- 4
-> »ii - -
i Jk J. ą '
fl ii 09 C>4i*TT
■mip ufriio*ii■ e .ud deprived oi tlie elementary right oi defence
oiTYhational interests and the right of the weaker to appeal/to the
stronier^i^rinciples and ideała aśizh enunciated by you,Mr.Preaident,in the Atlantic Charter,the JTour rreedoms and many other statements whicEp/on the reapect and approval oi the
entire world. Ajffa&kJ) - 53
The accusation-j the Poliah Nation and -e*- the leadera oi its Underground iia^ement.iighting the Genaans in conditions of
extreme hardshipYof collaboration with the enemj^is monstrous.
* 1939
Corning from those who hclped to partition Poland ytogether with the GermanB.it is a brutal insult to those who iight and die in
the underground battle of Polani and are guilty oi no other
crime thanyrofusal to «€G^Po land raconin^uni et ^country. • .
Mjt-f t£L 1 <rts>
/> The axKgKatianxa± chargo ^^n-deraocratić^ skaraete*. treught
WjIaa. ^taJtłJbLtc. H ^
again^- g &tovunminir composed of men who.by thoir origin and by their lifelong .etruggle for deraocracy have proved their sincerifiv y^is slanderous. ihl-s ~gnv(g‘.ijrrif-nt J^epraBe^^łuts'Tto aatten and uound
-in curry ni11 *+ ni * uV*",H 11 ^ ^ axxx?
44 tai lii en-ex i ta ty hanAittej ta a
jtnlttrgt.g purHnnal fraal^a. Z\. is slandered
s,fearin£ a return wave and a new eynoj^W^ti yeara,when the po lit i cal
and reviithl^i'or refusing to abandon hali thp^hational territory and to accept the transfer oi at leaat ^sr^million Polee irom the ea8t,at the cost oi rfeqoving 7 milj^on German8 in the west.lt is reluctant to accept such m$ transfer in the course oi
śituation oi fiurope s£g have changed.lli&sfcndeayour to iorce on Poland such inhtffaan wrongs doee not propłfooy 3hfetfal-ng geod for
or Gurope or ior_paa£j&^