Ono of th© main a ms of th© book is to r©move the mystigu© surroundmg th.s subject and to domonstrate how. hav.-vg dovc!opod tho bose skilts, the reader can quickty progross to *ntcrC5t ng and chttllenging garment dos>gns
A jign.ficant pa't of tho book >s covot®d to clothos ‘or soociai cccasions ano mcludes straploss dosigns for party. cvon ng or bridalweer. tho technigj© of ruchmg bodices and *!oovos and tho gathenrg of sk.rts to shaped seams. indudmg the fishtai! effect. Tho desgns at tho ond of tho book aro aB based on techniques previousły demonstrated
The extens ve stretchwear socticn u$os d'ff©r©nt modeliing techmqu©s. and shows ho.v to model a wide vanoty of actionwoar mcludmg crop tops. vests and cydmg shorts. tghts and umtards. senmsuits. a mim dross and a backless evening dress.
The mdusion of strotchwoar and speoal occasion clothes will be welcomed by those workiog in these expandmg areas of dothmg construction. but has inevitably meant that other processes have been omitted Tho purpos© of a now book. how©v©r. is to mtroduce new materiał and any gaps m the błock d«vo!opm©nt sectcn ar© well covered m prevous books on the subject
This book is fuli Of gwCelmes raiher than rdes txperim©ntation ano expen©nce ar© the best teachers. adapt and alt©- the methods to follow yocr Own mspiration l hop© that Fashion Desgn on the Staną will be helpM to all thos© who love designmg and c-eatmg beautiful clothes as a career <y ioe their oersonai deasur©