Usmg narrow b'ack tape to emphasize the mam seamhnes of the stand alows them to be seen throuęh the modeli ng fabnc. so clearly establis-hing the correct seam and dan positions wher modelling the biocks Ihts is a useful device for beg "ners until they are familiar with the stand ard able to detect the stand seamlines with the firgertips. Tapmg the correct horizontal lines for bust. waist and hiplires helps to keeo the horizontal grainline of the fabnc level with that of the stard.
With exoenence this process can be omitted. although taping the stano for necklines and other design lines is an essent-al technicjue at «ll stages of modelling. Tape can be fixed to the stand with lills which easily puli away wnen not needed
Bust. waist and hip nes start and finish at centro beck.
Ai honzontol imes myst bc parallel to the floor. Pane seamlmes stert at the lower edge of the stano and contmue over the shoulder down to the other side
Al verticei imes end et tho lower edge of tho stand
Use maskmg tape or o teck tc secure vertical imes beneath the stand
Work in the following order in order to conceal rew edges:
Cenre front from base of neck.
Side seems: from underarm point
Panel nes fmd centre of tape, pin to snoulder.
Ieevmg ends free Pm one end down bac*.
then one down front of Stand
Shoulder seam from side neck point
to Shoulder pomt
BuStlme from centre back. m circe ove* front bust points
Waistlme around narrowest part of waist.
H.p ne: 20:m (8 "I beiow waistline.
Across back ino: 10cm (4"| down from napę lat right angies to centre back)
Across chestl ne lOcm |4") down from base of rec< lat ngh: angles to cenne front).
The arrrhoe ends of these imes mark the oack and front 'pitch' rnarks for balancmg the sleeves mto the arrnholes.
Centre back: from napę Neck linę sta-t at centre back. follow neck curve. overlep taoe at centre back Armhoie: mmimum armoole orcumference 42cm H6V4") 20cm »8*» at back. 22cm (8V4'I et front. Lower the stand underarm pomt by approximately 2cm <y«“|. Armhoie width 11cm l4Vi“).