

Botftco bccio to wiiat to-.oi

Trueing the błock

Remo^e ihe rrodelled błock trom the stand, take out any remeirurtg pens and press fiat withoui d.stoairg the shape lt >s possi&fc to use tnese faoric secions as a pattern to cut out a garment, bu: because bocks can be used indetmitely as the basis for futurę designs. it is prectical to copy them on to card or p’astic to preserze tne r shape ard firm odges

When copyng the blocks on to card. disregard the rather ragged seam allowances lt is morę accurate to add these clrectiy on to the paper or card. if at al Because seam afowances will vary. seme designers pcefer to mark the correct amounts directly oo to the fabne when cutting it out A 1-1 5cm {'/> - V,~\ seam allowance is adoquate for the outer edges of ofocks This aliows nem to bo tacked up ano put on the stand for eualuaton or further deyeloprrent

(•I Ot* * fular 10 łtra»ght*n or 'tru*' tho ahouldef teams. t.dc toamt and dart efloat. a t«l acuar* lo ch»ck thai int*raections aro at rłght ano-** to each othor. and a <urve to obta<n a arnoom run on rock and aimSoln *earrn Chock that Ihe a-de »>mi aro o» oqual length and that th* bock and front łfioutdar winu will inatch wh*n the darta arc dot«d Oraw In atta>ght grain Knot parallal to the e*nlr# front and contro tiaec

<ta> To trantfeo tho febde »«ct on» to pap*', draw parallot vertic*l linot on th* pap*r. with a noritontai i na at rght angin botweon thom for tne bułt lovel and a apac* all round for aoarn ollowan:*. fiat* th* front and back fabńc patiom acctions on to tho papor. matching th* bułt toyot* contro front and contra błek and we gh down in płaca (ua-ng pins will d>ttoit the ahap*l. Trać* olf th* tru«d **amlin*a, dartlinot and grairr-noa and r»move th* to-'* from tho piper.

(«> Moaauro orvJ ma'* tho requlred io»m allowanioa on to oll odgot ot the błock paltom o«c*pl tho contr* frnnt ord mul i-n lho wr».ght grainino*. Add a labol with intormahon such aa we. namo Of tho pwco and how mony to cut.


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