P270109 44
and glory, elanlfles n death and pamlng away of a certam cullure and way of
u ficllonal, fanlastical, aupernatural and hlstorical element® in Beowu/f (seen through the folk memory and imagination, In combinetion with a vanefy of • marvelous legenda) e g. Hygelac and Heardrad are hisloncal charactefs O Beowulf
>""1deallzed, great warrior
> Sfrong, couragebus, powerful, noble, vigorous
> Hł¥jpowers sSSfi even supernatural a Hall- Heorot
** V "Sufit gf wood, decorated with gold
> Associated with lightnesB
V Courtesy. manners, feasting the symbol of the society gęnetosłty, ipyalty. happiness, laughter, companionship. art. entertamment
> ls opposed to the worJd outsida: rocky, narrow, lonely. unknown daogerous
> jhe walls orotect the society fcsm the fearfiJ outside- _
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