73777 P270109 44[02]

73777 P270109 44[02]

md English yęrsa

>    -makes use of emphasis, stress, intonation, rhylhm

>    -the number of syllables is not important ^ -4 stressed syllables in a linę

>    -a caęsurg pausel

Anglo- Saxon poetic devices are formulaic and conventional: the poet had a ready- madę set of devices to use

■ -the sound from the first syllable of the second half-lfne Is the most important- it establishes the alliteratjon of the whole liną

*    -the fourth stressed syllable is not alliterated y kannina

*    3 matanhnriral wąy nf r|o;=iTihiPn .

■ -repstition of-tbe-same-sounds (the same consonant or other vowel) af jinnina of the stressed syllable


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