p2 (43)

p2 (43)




8000 r.p.m. tochomotor ond preciiion spccdometcr on twin mount—on Super Rocket ond Gold Stor Rood Rocer. Notę iteering heod lock.

New clutch adjułtment accei* pług on lorger model*.

New color*, new łtrcom-łtyled tonk bodge*; ond new knee gripi on Twin* ond B33. (Ali 3 galion tank* hove round bodge*.)

Completely enclosed reor choin on rood twin* ond 833 model* make* for qulet operotion ond long choin lifo. (Optional ot ex-tro co*t.)

New 1960 łtyle foom rubber podded duolteot combine* moximum comfort with trim, hondłome oppearonce. Gives P lower iaddle position on rood twin* and 833.

New, moro officicnt reor brake operating mechonitm on rood .twin*, B33 modeli.

New tachometer drive on Super Rocket i* neot, cfficient, ond un-obtru*ive.

Handsome, now chrome 1960 łtylc front fender ond rubber fork goitor* on Super Rocket. Notę poliłhed brake plotę.




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