Casting On in Kitchener Rib

needles, you should also use size 6 nccdlcs for casting on thc first row. Then knit the tirsi 4 >r 5 rows with thc main yam, ustny si:c 2 ncedles, and thc test of the ribbing with si:c 4 nccdlcs.

Aftcr finishing steps 1-4. you must niwnys knit thc knit stitches and slip thc purl stitches purlwise in thc ncxt 3 rows. kccping the yarn in the front of your uork.

Aftcr thcse 4 rows, kcep alternaring knit and purl with the nccdlcs uscd for the ribbing (for example, sire 4).

When you are done, cut the different-colored yarn at intervals of 3 or 4 stitches...

...and puli out the pieces, or undo the chain stitches.

Cross-over for 2 x 2 Rib

If you want to altematc 2 knit. 2 purl stitches for your ribbing, start the same way as for thc 1 x 1 ribbing. Aftcr the first 4 rows. tn which you only knit thc knit stitches and slip thc purl stitches purlwise, cross 2 stitches out of evcry 4 so that 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches lic nexr to each othcr.

Al way.% choose a numbcr of stitches that can 1\? dńided by 4. plus 2 >clvcJgc stitches. This ntcans that the patrern unii bc complete even

aftcr thc setuns arc closed.

Casting on in kitchener rib looks good whether you alternately knit 1, purl 1, or knit 2, purl 2.

Afrer the selvedge stitch. knit the next stitch, os bcforc. Thcn always alternately cross 2 stitches, as de-scribed to thc right, and knit 2 stitches as rhey appear.

You can also cross the stitches using a cable needle. To do this, place cwety 2nd purl stitch onto a cable needle behind thc work. first knit the knit stitch front the lefr needle, thcn purl the purl stitch front rhe cable needle.

First knit the stitch after the next. i.e., knit stitch, passing in front of the purl stitch. Leave both stitches on the left needle for now.

2Now bring the yam to the front and purl the purl stitch that is in front of it. Then slip both stitches off the left needle. Knit the next two stitches "normally."



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