Since binding ołt in kitchener rib is actually on!y pinsibtc with 1 x I nb-htng. che ribbing has to k prcpared propcrly.
In rhc third-to-last row, which is a row on che wrong side i>l' thc work, you “exchange” 2 stitchcs. Ii you stan rhe ribbing in a row on thc right side ot thc work. purl 1 Mitch, knit 2 srirches. purl 2 stitchcs, etc. If you start thc ribbing in a row on thc wrong side of the work, start by purl* ing 1 stitch.
Now, in a row on thc wrong side ot thc work, knit thc sehedge stitch and parł I stitch. Exchangę the next 2 stitchcs as lollows: Fir>t knit the knit stitch, which is nor the ncxt stitch but the one aftcr it, and lcave u on thc necdlc. Then place rhe yarn at thc front of thc work. purl thc purl stitch, and lei kuli stitches drop from thc necdlc-
Altemately, keep on working knit I, purl 1, cxchangc 2.
If you tend to knit rather tightly. puli rhe knit stitch slightly to thc front with the right necdlc. kcause rhis will make it easier to insert the necdlc from left to nght as you tinish an cxchange. You can also use a cablc necdlc to exchangc the stitches, just as for Crossing stitchcs. But in most ca>c> tlus tako even longer and invo!ves cven morę effbrt.
Mow work 2 morę row> thc same way as in 1 x 1 ribbing. and then start working with the tapestry needle.
In a row on the trmng side oj the work, knit J stitch and pud I stitch aftcr thc selicdgc stitch. Cross thc uext 2 stitches: First knit thc knit stitch, uhich comes aftcr rhc ncxt stitch Tltcn place the yam at thc front of thc work,...
.. .pud the f>url stitch, uhich is rn front of ii, itru/ let holh stitchcs drop /mm thc left necdlc Keep repeatmg tltese steps mer 4 stitchcs, Aftcr you arc donc, you luli etid up with altemating knit and purl stitchcs on thc right needle.
Fttush by u orking 2 mws with slipped purl stitches and using a tapestry needle to finish as tn I X I rihbłng.