try needle into both stitches at the same time. Allow the stitch. or 2 stitches. to come off the needle and puli the yarn relatively tight.
Analogous to casting on in kitchener rib. there is an especially professional-looking way of finishing your pieces: it’s caHed binding off in kitchener rib.
This cdge is partie ularly srretch-ablc if you work the łasi 2 rows exactly tlui same w.iy you worked tor casting on in kitchener rib (pages 22-25). Tlus means that in rhe last row on the right sute and the last row on tire wrong siJc ot the work. you only knit the knir sritches and slip the purl stitcho. Woik these 2 rows with a needle one sirc smnller, Ifyou ute using hcavy yarn, depend-ing on hinv vou knit. you can even usc a needle 2 stzes smallcr. Trv it out ro see which works betrer.
You tinish by sewing the cdge with a heavy rapestry or blunt needle. The yarn end for sewtng h:vs to be about 3 tinie-s as long as the piece ts wule. It's herter if you lcave ii a littlc longer. because you can’t add any yarn it you run out!
After the Selvedge stitch(cs), keep repeating step- 3 to 5 łpage 47). rui! the yarn rclatiecly tight after evcry step.
Iln the last 2 rows, knit only the knit stitches and slip the purl stitches. keeping the yarn in front of the needle.
2 Insert the tapestry needle into the selvedge stitch from front to back, i.e., from left to right. If a knit stitch is next. insert the tapes