


Pergamano Cołoiirfgl Parchrr.ent

15. Blue Patchwork


►    imta goid (22T): the whołe patiem and eon-tours of the card.

►    Tm ta t:.? ;C2r;- :ne checyered parts.


►    Panta Perlą wbite (Ol N) » Pintura Hue (02): the ii* Team' in the centre.


►    Emboss tr« six 'tor.**' in the centro and the ccntoursof the card.

Finlshing off

►    Takt Perga-Coicr no. Z and place a dot co the Flowertooi porforatkHiS (orty the orclcs). and a ciot of goki on the mk!c*.

►    Ptace the frontpage on the Easy Grid temptote and perforate the parts A with tne Diamond Tooi as incJcated in p3ttern A.

►    ErnOoss the sguares betwce: these p*:rfora tioro. Foki tb? card.

Perforatlng (deeply)

► Perforate atong the contours of the star m the

cwitre. wtth the Rower Tool on the reverse sicie as in ttie perforation pattem and aong tlio contours of the card wlth the 2 ncedle perforating tooi


► Cut the connctbons betwwn the perforabons *tong the ccntoursof the card and rcmove soperDjcus paper.

■    ••klM

■    ■ ■

"■aaa aa

a aaaaa‘•■•■■'■aaa•• fj .• ■ a ■ ■ ■

—• • • » - -ą— -m-



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