3 Posłuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Zaznacz i/). ktOre z poniższych zdań «ui prawdziwe, a kióre fałszywe.
True |
False | |
1 Martin orders (our chicken sandwiches |
□ |
□ |
2 Sally was in the office when Mr lenkins phoned. |
□ | |
3 Mr Mellor is not happy wilh Tony s excuses |
□ | |
4 lims company madę a profit ol £2 million |
□ | |
5 Dolores tells Mr Mellor there was a phone cali Irom Montreal. |
□ |
□ |
6 loan called her sister a few minutes ago. |
□ |
□ |
7 Frank tells Helena there isn t any post lor the sales department. |
□ |
□ |
8 Don went to Spain last year |
□ |
□ |
9 Adam is moving house next month |
□ |
□ |
10 lanc is really gratcful to Sarah. |
□ |
□ |
4 Spójrz na poniższe fragmenty reklam. Co jest na nich reklamowane? Wybierz odpowiedzi z ramki.
a radio station a television programme an insurance company a magazine a job a bank
Kor moro infonuntion and an npplicntion form. write to thc personncl manager nt PO Dox 100, London \V3 SNJ.
ror bhe labest in musie and sonss. listen to fche peoe wadę show on 97-SFmi
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l)o von belicw in ejionte? Woli, lho.ro sre millions of peoplc who do. Maleli ‘Wiking with Ghorfi’
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Sfriiij, i* helieiinti,?
Zakryj powyższe reklamy. Czy pamiętasz, jakich przyimków należy użyć. by uzupełnić poniższe zdania?
1 Write ... the personnel manager at PO Box I00. London W? HNI
2 For the latest in musie and songs. listen..........the Pete Wadę show on 97.5FM!
3 Why not stop by today and pick a brochure with our latest interest rates?
■i Subscribe now by phoning 355 I29Q and asking . Louise
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