

Spójrz na poniższą ankietę dla klientów i uzupełnij ją odpowiednimi słowami z ramki. W kilku przypadkach jest więcej niż jedna prawidłowa odpowiedź.

how hear pay happy dłd were when how wiry i>tiy |x2) have where


Professional quality at an amateur pnce.Thank you for choosing a Brominik camera.

We hope it will giv*c you many years of satisfaction

Enter our draw to win a years supply of frcc film. Simply completc thc form betów and send it back to us in thc pre-paid envelopc.

1 ...............did you............... this model?

CeMbill-tty PfCA

2    .. ............did you_______________about it?

TeJe.vt.-icn eidve.rtu-cme.trt

3 ...............did

13 January 2004.

4    ...............much did you...............for it?


5 any probłems when you first used it?

Mo If'r.    CAsłj -to 006

6    Have you had any pictures developed yet? If the quality?

Ye->. The. ptc-twe ąsakiu to e^celient.

Thank you for taking thc timc to completc this. Good luck in thc draw!

Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.

What did you do last night?

al lohn and Heatrice

Where were you .it eight o'clodc this morning?

b| 1 missed the bus.

Who did you meet al the party?

O lino.1think

Why were you łatę?

dl 1 was still in bed

When did the łllm stan?

cl 1 watched a video

How was |ohn when you saw him last night?

f| At eight o'clock.

20 minutes+

Posłuchaj nagrania, przeczytaj poniższe pytania i odpowiedz na nie własnymi słowami.

1    What did you do last Sarurday night?

2    Where were you al eight o'clock last night?

3    Who did you talk to yesterday?

t When did you start learning English? s How did you feel yesterday?

244 English in 20 minutes a day


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