scan0029 (8)

scan0029 (8)

Lyngs0-VALMET Marinę UMS 2000 System Description

Basic Alarm Panel lay-out

Lyngs0-VALMET Marinę UMS 2000 System Description


(1)    Four softkeys, placed.just below the LCD. The softkeys are rnultifunction keys.

(2)    Cursor and select keys, are used for scrolling and pcinting in lists (e.g. alarm list) and •for entering alpha-numeric data.'-

(3)    Dedicated keys (hardkeys) where eaćh key enables the operator to access one uniąue function in the UMS 2000 System.

(4)    Red alarm lamp used to indicate incoming alarrns. "    .

(5)    - Key for silencing the hcrn/buzzer.

(6)    Key for acknowledging alarrns. This key is cnly active at locations from where the alarrns rnay be acknowledgid e.g. the Engine Control Room.

(7)    Group Alarm indication. The Alarm Par.els are able to display the status of six alarm groups via Light emitting Diodes LEDs. Eachgroup alarm text can be customized inćividually.

(8)    A Liąuid Crystal Display. The Basic Alarm Panel bas 4 lines of 40 characters with back-lighting. The Accommcdation Alarm Panel has 2 lines of 40 characters.

(9)    Furthermore the Alarm Panels holds a buzzer and a relay for connecting an external 'buzzer.

The Basic Alarm Panel is intended for installation in the Ehginę Control Room and on the Bridge but can also be installed in the Ships Office and in the Chief Engineers cabin.

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