S20C 409120813172

S20C 409120813172

bouguet wrap coniinued

Level Ed^y

Knitted Measurements

Qefo r? fcl t wg Wicth 24" (61 cm)

Length 72" (133 cm)

Afterfelting Width 18" (46 crr)

Lenylh 54" (' 3/cm)


Fclling fiber

6 skeins of Alńeiny Yarns Haiku, 60% moha r, 41)% s Ik,'/ oz (?5(j), -576 yds (297m), 43 c Waler ily, fin?

Knitting necd c in size IS S (4nm) 3' sizo nccdcd to obtain gcugc

Approximately 185 nibber nands

AoproxiTiatcly 160 sma I glass cabochons, cach cppnwimately'" (2.5cm) in diametcr

ApproxiiTat«ly 73 large glass rabsttcns, earh apprcxima:ely 1V?" (4 cm) in d aTfiter

Tapestry reedle Gaugc

16 stitches and 2C rows = 4" (10cm) i i stockinelle sJidi berore felting Notes

(abnrhnns ar? available in the 'lora section of your local caft storę ir

var cus sizes.

varn is worked double tnrouchcut. Please r&fei to the sideba- on pac? 7/ for detai ed instructons or easy winding of a double-stranderi ske«r.

3ead :he seaion on resists carefully for helptul tips.

recommend dry deening the fhisbed piece to keep :he resis" shapes intac.


Us ng 2 strands held :ogetherf cast on ICC stitches. Knit 8 rows to form border.

Next 2 rows

Row 1 (Right Side) Knit.

Row 2 K4, p92, k4

Repeat these 2 rows until the piece measuies 71" (182 cm), ending cfte- a wrong-side iuw. Knit 8 iows. Bind off cli stilches.


Lse a tapestry reedle to weave in all the loose ends. being s jre to weave at least 3" (7.5cm.i of each end to eosjre a tig.it hołd curing the tclting proccss.


Lay the wrap on a tlat surfaco, preterably whcrc the en tire piece cm lic evc (I uso tic Moor}. To coterminc position of flowcrs. place a lorce cobochon ctojt 10' (25crr) in from the bottorr left corre- en toy of the work. Lay 6 to 3 smal er cabochors n a cirde around the loige piece, leavin<j apprcximately 1" (2.5c,r) between each cobochon.

Cnce you are satisned with tne alacerrent, rrove the resist to the wrorg side of the werk (ur.cer the knit fabr c}, and secire a 'ubbe' band t gntly arejnd the resist from tbe rioht side o* the work. Repeat far adcitiora dowers. Renembctnat settino in the resist ta<es up 3'ecious yardage oł your knit garment, es tne <ni: gathers around the resist, so place the iowers approximate y 5-5"

(' 2- 5cm) apaito ensure you will hc\/e a gene-ously s zeć gerren: 3tter feking.


P ease efer to the guidelines łor wa?hing machino fdliug on page 118.

Bscause of the glass cabochons, tu s piece is guile hea^/ with all tbe resists in j ace. Be preparat! lor a lot of noise fron your washinc mam ne.

I suggest layirc out a a'gc towcl by your Tacnmo.Wher the piece is ready ta comc out, movc i: qjickly a id coreftlly to the towel ~he towel will not only ca ten the excc55 woter, it wi I lelp you s jpport the 3 ece bom inderneath to av3‘d cxcess.ve stretchinc.

Once _he fe ting cycle is done, allow the piece to dry with a I the resists inside the fabric. Remove the resists after the piece is total y d% Remove resists, prełer-ably with yc-ir hands, l sing a scissor only ff necessary (beirg careful not to cut the fabric).

22    shibori knit*


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