skanuj0016 (207)

skanuj0016 (207)

VI Dopasuj artykuły do jednostek


a box of



a bunch of



a bottle of



a tubę of



a bag of



a loaf of



a bar of



a jar of



a tin of



a packet of



a bouquet of


5.    A: A second class 11_for a letter to Poland, please.

8:That'll be 75 p.

A: How long does a 12_ietter take to get there?

B: Three days.

6.    A: These trousers are a little too long for me. Could i have

them 13_, please?

B: Of course. Let me check the 14__.

A: When will they be reacly?

B: You can collect them tomorrow after six.

7. A: The sink in my kitchen is 15_. I need to have it


B: I know a good plumber. He will do it for you.

A: I must phone him immediately. Could you give me his phone number?

B: You can reach him at his 17__. Here you go.

miary, jam

cornflakes tooth pastę bread

minerał water roses chocolate paint grapes tissues tomatoes

VII Przeczytaj artykuł na temat zakupów w Internecie. Wybierz wyrazy z ramki i uzupełnij zdania.

W ramce znajduje się więcej wyrazów, niż musisz użyć.

web onłine services commitments account delivery surveys click means Internet network

Virtual shopping

The rapid growth of the Internet brings amazing possibilities for busy people. Our everyday lives are changing. Traditional methods of buying and selling are being taken over by online shops which provide a wide variety of goods available for those who do not have time or are unable to go to the shops

themselves. Ali you need to do the 1_shopping is a

bank account, a credit card and a Computer connected to the

2_. The list of shops offering the newest way of

shopping is longer and longer. You just choose the item you

want, 3_, and wait for the 4_, sitting

comfortably in your armchair. Gone are the times when you had to queue in the post office or a bank in order to pay your monthly rent, electricity bills, telephone bills and other

5_. Electronic banking is the choice for busy people.

Recent 6_ show that the e-shops most frequently

visited by Poles are bookshops, musie shops and florist's. Morę and morę people are taking for granted the possibility of booking airline tickets and transferring money without having to leave their homes. Yet some say it is better to be safe than sorry, so they arrange with their banks for opening the so called

e-purse. This is a bank 7_where you keep only some

of your 8_. When somebody steals your PIN-number

and uses your bank account, you do not risk losing all your money.

VIII Wyjaśnij różnicę pomiędzy...

a)    a shopkeeper and a shoplifter

b)    a shop assistant and a serviceman

c) * a shop window and window shopping

d) * e-purse and a leather purse

IX* Co oznacza ten idiom? shop till you drop

a)    buying so many things that you feel exhausted

b)    buying things until you run out of money

c)    buying so many things that you are unable to carry them j home

X Odpowiedz na pytania. Możesz wykorzystać wyraźni; podane w ramce.

.    Lei ĆuCy

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying goods at supermarkets?

accept credit cards crowded and noisy trolleys with wobbly wheels no queues attractive sales promotions Muzak a big variety of goods : time-consuming everything under one roof pickpockets car thieves a good variety of goods reasonable prices łocal corner shop good ąuałity products friendly service


2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying in virtual shops?

time saving easy access home delivery risk of poor ąuality goods different than expected no personal touch virtual reality

24-hour 7-day shopping opportunity

Customer: Could you please wrap nicely this XL T-shirt, please? Shop assistant: Is it a surprise present for your wife?

Customer: Yes, she's expecting a mink coat.


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