71737 skanuj0003 (431)

71737 skanuj0003 (431)



Dopasuj podpisy do rysunków. W ramce znajduje się więcej określeń, niż musisz użyć.

V Posegreguj nazwy ubrań podane w ramce według kategorii w tabelce niżej.

fringe wrinkłes piercing toddler freckles parting


jumper hooded sweatshirt    shorts    suit

tracksuit dress    shirt    skirt    tights    socks

bra vest    pyjamas tie    T-shirt    cardigan

cap slippers # hat scarf trunks pants shoes trainers    coat    jacket    belt

raincoat uniform sports shoes high-heeled shoes swimming suit


dungarees    cords blazer    tails    apron

veil undershirt braces    overall    robę

pullover    anorak tuxedo

II Uzupełnij tabelkę wyrazami z ramki.

t teenager slim adult in their twenties ; middle-aged elderly young tali short pretty    shoulder-length curly © wavy

© plump stout freckles fringe bald beard    clean-shaven moustache wrinkłes

■: spots overweight    handsome    toddler    fat

thin dyed plaits pony taił ss youngster § pale suntanned dark complexion skinny dreadlocks frizzy    well-built    earrings

: piercing parting of medium height

III Połącz pytania o podobnym znaczeniu.


What's your surname?




What nationality are you?


your Christian name? What's your


What's your address?


first language?

What country do you


What's your first name?


come from? Where


What's your datę of birth?


do you live? What's your


What's your mother tongue?


family name?

When were you born?

IV Dopasuj określenia do rysunków.

plain flowery striped checked (cheąuered) patterned dotted

Above waist

Under waist


Over the whole body



VI ) Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim czasownikiem we właściwej formie.

carry wear put match suit fit go ® dress

1. She is_a leather handbag and an umbrella.

2. She is_a leather jacket and a golden necklace.

3. These trousers don't_with this jacket.

4. Does red_me?

5.    Your new tie_the shirt you bought.

6.    The skirt is too tight, it doesn't_you well.

7.    Your new sweater_ you perfectly.

8.    I must buy something to_. Ali my clothes are no good

9.    How were they_for the ceremony?

VII Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie zdania.


A few items of were lying on the floor.

a) cloth

b) clothes

c) clothing


I bought myself a new

for Kate's wedding.

a) outfit

b) clothes

c) clothing


Throw away this old


a) clothe

b) clothes

c) cloth


The actors were wearing a Polish national

a) outfit

b) costume

c) dressing


The children were dressed in funny

for the paradę.

a) clothing

b) costumes

c) dress


There are a few_

shops in the High Street.

a) cloth    b) clothing    c) clothes

VIII Pogrupuj według wzoru przymiotniki określające charakter.


#    friendły # bossy shy • talkative outgoing

#    reserved # helpful cynical hard-working

naive lazy    mean easy-going    serious

fun ■ funny    calm ® sociable honest

cheerful rude ■ reliable © impatient strict

#    dishonest € nervous maturę # optimistic

pessimistic    unfriendly unkind    sensible

#    selfish polite s strict fr jealous : helpful

stubborn $ independent arrogant ambitious kind relaxed childish © sensitive disorganised    well-organised    indecisive


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