Slajd20 (166)

Slajd20 (166)



—    One UART offers synclironous mocle witli expanded buffersfor soft modem support

—    Full-duplex operation

—    Programmable clock

—    Modem control signals available (CTS, RTS)

—    Proce sso r-i lite rrupt cap ab i lity

♦ Dual 16-bit general-purpose multiple-modetimers

—    8-bit prescaler

—    Timer input and output pins

—    Pr o ce s s o r-i nte rrupt ca p ab i 1 ity

—    Upto 18.5-11S resolutionat54 MHz ♦ I2C module

—    Intercliip bus interface for EEPROMs, LCD controllers, A/D convei*ters, and keypads

—    Fully compatible witli i 11 dusti*y-sta 11 dard12C bus

—    Master or slave modes support multiple m a ster s —Automatic interrupt generation witli programmable level


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