Pil To che Ambirinu* Health Seekerr
For many yeara New York bminciw men have come to me co teach thein the teertru of Health, Sirength and Incrcased Personal POWER. They wre glad and anaious to pay mc large fee» for personal instruction* hecausc they realimi the marvelou* henefit* my serrets would bring. Tben after I won cwo $1,000 FIRST PRIZES a» che •World1* MOST PERFECT Man" l was deluged with thnusnndft of lettcrs from all over the wrorłd asking how I obrained my superb deve)opment. So I havc prepared the Atlas System. It took rne many year* to di*cover the BEST and QU!CKEST inethods of building Health and Strcngth, buł in the Hght of my long eaperieucc if 1 had to start all ovcr again I could get the same resulu in a fcw short rnonth*.
My system teaches the most modern and udvanccd methods for acquiring great Muscular Power and Strength. It gives thr BEST rnethodt which will build for you a ncw PERFECT BODY. If you will practice thU System you will *oon have a beautiful physiąuc of classicat proportions, powerful, CSEFDL musclrs, untiring energy, inteusr magnetism and glosting Health!
The Atlas System stand* todny as the most retnarkable mrthod ever devised for quirkly developing BIG POWERFUL MUSCLES, Health, Strengib and Persona lity. Its rnarveIous possibilities have heen dcmonstratrd to my many thomand* of pupil* u* wrll at myself. You att not eaperimenting when you enroll with me. Is not the fact that I havc twice ofKdnlly heen pronounced the “World'* MOST PERFECT Man" and Strongest and Best Physical Director PROOF PO$lTIVE chat my System is superior to any othrr cour*e?
Read this book rhrough carcfully and ACT on the *ugge*tion» contained therein. Study the photographs clrady and COmpare thrm with any other pbysieal imtructor, thrn be your own judge as to whose methods are the BEST. I PROVE and GUARANTEE what others only rrcklessly promine. Hnplng I may have the opportunitY of showing YOU thr way to Gloriou* RADIANT HEALTH.