On Charles Atlas, wfaoie marvclou5 physical pcrfcction i> ;»n old story to thc readers of Physical Culturc, Invariably fell thc choicc when thr men candidates lined up for inspection. Every possihlc variet\ of tnasculine physique was represcntcd, and evcry man who entcrcd the contest wa:. iplcndidly dcvelopcd by eaccrcisc. But apparently thc crowd considered Atlas in a class by himself. They picked him as if hc wcrę one of tliosc rarc instaiiccs in which Naturę shows what ulic would do for uli the race if \vc would give her u chance. And, as it turned out on Snturday, thc finał day of the show, thc judges w ero in nccord with that view. January, 1923, PHYSICAL CULTDRE Magazine, about the show at Madison Square Garden. "The wondcrful symmetry and heroic proportions of Atlas arc accn in tlić fact that in any position in which he is placed, and in nil classical poses, his body is beautiful. “'l'hc torsu of a Greek God" is scen in Charles Atlas, winnor of thc Perfect Man Contest at Physical Culturc Exhibition at Madison Square Garden," PHYSICAL CLLTURE, January, 1923. Spcaking of thc first World’* Most Perfect Man Contest, Octohcr, 1921, PHYSICAL CULTCRE says: "Mr. Atlas receiyed the highest rating for both face and figurę of the
morc than one thousand competitors in this prize contest.”
SYND1CATBD ARTICLE BY JAMES GABELLE Charles Atlas, "the pcrfcction of humnn form," has again won new laurels. At the Physical Culturc show cxhibition held rcccntly at Madison Srjuare Garden he was adjudged thc most perfect man in a physical st. isc and rcceivcd thc award of a thousand dollar prizc, over twenty-five competitors gatheted front all parts of the world.
This i> no new cxperiencc for Mr. Atlas, fIr hns won rćpcatcdly cash prizes, cups, medals. plaąucs and ribbons. His homc is a vcritnble inuwrura of such trophies. Hc is in such perfect condition that sculptors and artists prediet that he will find no cornpctition for ycars tu cornc. Me h is puscd for many noted painters and sculptors. Ile is in such dcmand he has been compellcd to refusc many such oficn* despite thc large jutns offerrd him.
Mr. Atlas is not merely form or physical pcrfcction. His mind is as keen and intcllcctual as a college profe.ssor. Mis raeotnl attaiuments arc of thc highest order. Ile is a hrilliant Cbnycrsationałist and deeply interested in all the leading problcms of the dajr. In responsc to rcpcatcd dcmands Mr. Atlas has opencd up a school for tlie uphuilding of hcalth and thc attainmenr of physical vigur. In conjunction with his Assoctate, Dr. F. W. Tilney, he has gotten out a handbook on hcalth, cntitlcd "Sccrcts of Muscular Power and Bcąuty.” This is hnving ani cnormous sale all over thc country. It is frccly predicted that hc will cffcct a rcvolution in thc physical wcli-being of a nntion.
It is a pleasure to testify to thc physical pcrfcction of thc great model, CHARLES ATLAS. Mc combines in a remarknblc inanncr thc greatest beauty of linę with a muscular development beyond comparc. To mcet such :t speciinen is an cvent in an artist’s life. His supple and powcrful lirnbs imrncdiatcly suggesł thc living emlxidimctit of a Greek God, although the Apollo and thc Hermes sccm wcaklingn heside him. 1 havc seen nowhere such a torso, such thighs. The demarkation of thc cxtcrnal obłupie ar the crest of thc ilium is as crisply presented as in thc worka of Phidias or Praxitclcs. With all his strength therc is no knottiness of the musełes. The forms are flowtng and refiaed, embodying thc highest form of rnanly beauty. (Signed) DCNCAN SMITH, Anul.
From “tioyal Gacette and Colonist Daily," Bcrmuda, ApriI 10, 1924:
"Ar thc Town Hall of Sl George's, Atlus camc on about half way through thc programmc and dclightcd u riumber of his spectators with a number of fcuts of strcngtli. His poses werc greatly admired, as an npportunity was givcn for him to display thc splendid set of muscles with which he has endowed himself by his own exerćixc*. During thc eyening Dr. F. W. Tilney, who accompanies Prof. Atlas gnve u short hcalth Iccture. The greatest excitcment of thc eyening was ćauscd when Atlas appeared with his instrument of Chinese torturę. Fhist is a smali tablc, the top part of which is picreed by nenrly 7,000 nails. On thc point* of thc.sc Atlas lics, his barć back unprotcctcd in any way, and on his chcst hc supports three men. The nails do not no much as scratch his skin. Atlas will appear twice today. This altcrnoon hc is to he at thc Agriculture Exhibition and will givc a short performance."