GOD’S bcst Gift to M.m is RAI)1 ANT HEALTH. Without Health lite is a burden. ITic norma], natura! condition of the body is that of Vibrant Health. Becausc of our arrificial manner of living, our ignontnee and cxccssc$ and various dissipations, we do not enjoy the pulsating, throbbing vitality that comcs with superior heaJth; and, '*a> the sowing, so shnll the rcaping be,M we sufler in consequcnec.
The Greeks, the Spartans and the Romans wcrc the most perfcct raccs the world has cver known. Besides their physical pcrfection, they wcrc the possessors of strong and vigorous mind*. A study of the manner in whtch these superb races IHcd shows they obeyed certain definite principlcs and natural lawa which was the sccrct of their tremendous power. To bcautify their bodies, inerease their strength and retain their magniłicicnt liealth, all these they regardcd as their primc duty. Indeed. they considcrcd it a disgrace if any one among them lacked physical perfcction. Who has not becn inspired by pictim •. and sratues of thc-.c magnificcnt men and women of Grecce and Ronie? The glistening, supple, heautiful bodies cliarged with great strength and power must have becn a rarc joy to behold! What a glorious lifc they livcd—unhampered as we arc today by tight-fitting uncomfortablc clothcs, without prudery and shamc, and the scnsclcss convcntionality and artificiality of today. With the rccords we still possess of their modę of living, together with our modem knowlcdgc of rational hygiene and sanitation, it is possiblc to be cqually as perfect and healthy as wcrc the Greeks and Romans.
When these old world raccs bccamc infatuated with a lifc of casc and luxury, when they began to tastc of forbidden fruits, and indulge in dissipatiun of cvery sort, they ncglccted to take carc of thcmsclYcs, and in consequcncc they bccamc merę stagnant chunks of broken humanity, no Iongcr the worlds dominating powers. Just as soon as this dcplorablc condition manifested itself Thrones, King* and Empires began to crumblc and totter and fali.
What a sorry picture 1 But, arc we not, as a Nation, almost in tlić same pligln today? Is not America one vast Whirlpool of casc, luxury and plcasurc? Go along our boulcvards and avcnue^ and whcrc do you find any perfcct spccimcns of humanity likc ancicnt Romę could claim her owa? Our hospitals and sanatariums arc ovcr-crowdcd becausc the simple laws of Naturę havc not becn heeded. Hundreds of thousands arc chained to their beds in the clutchcs of somc drcad discasc.
It is terrible to think that all this suflering, pain and weakness arc cntirely unncccs-sary becausc thcrc is no need for ill-health and diseosc.
In the ATLAS SYSTEM you are shown the simple niethods of adjusting your lifc in hannony with Nature's benciicicnt Laws, and as you travcl along this New Road to Health, you will share in the rcwanl of artual pcrsonal betterment. It is for you to rcach out and rcceivc the larger bhśsings lifc has to oflcr.
The idea! to be achievcd and is rvcr uppermost in my mind is that the citi/.cns of this Fair Land may bccamc as perfcct, muscular, a. magnetie and strong as the Greeks and Romans while at the pinnaclc of their physical splendour.
The secret of dcveloping this great Muscular Power and beauty will be found by taking my Scientific Course of Health, Strength and Pcrsonality Building. It consists of Lessons and pcrsonal letters adapted to your particular needs inulcr my pcrsonal supemsion. The instructions will be mailed to your humc cach weck for rhrec months or Iongcr as your casc may rcquirc.
Livc to enjoy Health