Voł 13 *V<? S, p 45-51)


M Narmuratova2, G Konuspayeva*, G Loiseau*, A Serikbaewi1, Barouh Nathalie>,

Montot Didicr3 and B I ayc*

'Artarian UnwerMty, H AHj« Avt»nup,lftniXIK Alni.»tv. KazaktetAn. • Ker akii National Univmity Al-fnrabi, lYinitfft. Almaty. K.fiznkJi»tarT. C1UAD-AMIS, Avcnuc du Val dc Montfcrrand. 34390. Montpellier Cedex. franco *CIRAD EMVT. Campus International de Baillarguot. 34398, Montpellier Odcx, France


Tl.. f.tii> ,ividtuuipuMtiunia probably llnked mono**/lliv ltvallltd(ab jltiibulcO tucjiiirl mil*. I ii the yiv^nl paper, the fatty acid composltlons of dromcdarv can*.c bactrian ca mci and hyhrtdfi aro nnntyarrl in łC»7nti«f«n wb?rr .lii lhc$C spec.r* cohuFil. Th** iwhulto lUliLrui tłu* Ilighcr q#jantity of uniiAturaird /alty acidf compared tu cow milk PolmitJc acid, Stearic acid, oleić acld and min Stic acid are the iiHiNt imporlant part ol Me camel milk fat Aa our sampltng niethod mciuded i vartalion factors (apcCiCS, iOOSOn, region*) with not moro than ono sampie per uw, unly generał trend* were obecrved The milkuompkj Cullcctcd in 9iimmer,on baclriancamci and m tlii-Cufrpiaiiitgiun (Alyrau, AraLK) lend lube richer in lonę chain fally aud> At rwerse. tiuf milksample* U ton In winloi, on hybrids nr dmmedary and brom the Southern p*. l ul* Kd/rtklis>n rii h**- m *hort-ehMti fatty aclds

Can>«, fali* iuJ, Kii-iaklutan, milk comporition. rnlik lat.

The genus Camełus mdudes two species: the one-humped camel (G dro/ntutirit/s) and the bactrian Iwo-humped cairu?J (C. baclrianus). In Kazakhslan, these two speries rohabit in the same aicas and cven in the same farms (Konu$payeva and Faye, 20U4) 7T\is paiticulanly aJiuws comparuig the milk composition uf those ammals reared in similar cnvironmcnt Elsewhere, crude camd milk and tprmpnted product (uaiiiud    wen* always an important fund uf

Kazakh pcoplra. R^perinlly shnKat is ivnniwwvt and U!.ed fur sumę mcdidn.il puipo*- (rtymgnbyloy et tri, 2001); Konuspaycva c) at, 2004) Tin? Lilly acid composition oJ uulk u wk* ul the aspects linked to the discussion on the heallh effecl of milk and rmlk product*; (Wahleand Heys. 2002). Huwever, the fatty acid composilion of camel milk rs not woli donnnmlcd (Farah, 19%), cspudally in baclrian camel (Zlung ct al, 2<XXh). No recent data are avaiUbIe in Kazakhstan Tlie present sludyaims to pieseiit rcsulls on fally ddd composition in d-ornediiry and bactrian camel living in the same ateas of Kazaklistnn and to compare the rr.^lllia willi sunie referrneps mivcrntn^ cautcls in olher roimlriPH

Materials and Mcthnds

Anitnrts and milk Min/rii*

In order to h,ivc n high variabi li ty in fally ai *.d compiKifion, th»^ hp^Hhy animals were randomly SEND RCFRINT REQUESTTO B PAYF seleclcd in 4 dilfercnt regions of Kazakhstan during4 different ^eas*“>n$ where ti^ whole 31 ot milk sampies were collected. Tlie sampies came from 4 farms : Daulct-Bekct (Abniity region, n = 10), Saiy-Arka (dose to Shimkcnt in South-Ka/akhstan region, n = 11), Aralkoum (close to Aralsk m Kzylorda region, n = 4) and Tcndik (Atyrau regiun, n = 6). The maximum distance betwcen those larms w,^ morę than 2000 km.

The numliei* of milk sampies was balaiu**! beiwueu wiitlci (u - 6). spiiitg (n - 7), tAimmer (n - 0) and autamn (n - 8) The 31 nulk sampks inrhirłnd 11 bactrian camels, 10 droinedaries, 3 hybrids, and tinally 3 n;ixcd crudc miiks (Iwctriait and droinedaiy) and 4 frimcnted milk? {got from mixed milk abo).

Milk wascollecled at milking limę at lin; t*nJ uf milking. Jt was storni Jn icr4x*»x up to Ilu* lab*nalury Utai fru/cii at -2(TC up to llw nnalysis.

lipid atialysis

Milk fał extrdt'lion

l he miJk lal w;i» exlrucled lrom milk in 1iqmd Lu ni by lirium'. Aflu fui iiiHliitn uf C*vn.    ilu*

water j» um* %v,is jKiurciI uitu jiiollioi1 fkisk .md the s^me qualily of a hcxane was added. Tlils procedurę was repcalcU 3 limo and llic 3 organie phase? were rn/lpctrd Enrther, the hexnne was romovcd by distiliation with a rutavapor al 30°C The mass ot fat

lunp 2001./45

Journal of Camel Practice and Researdi


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