IMG 13

IMG 13

I ndex

Abb, Edmund: Zurich followcr of Mach and Avcnanus, 190 Abjolutc motion. See Motion. absolutc Absolutc spacc. See Spacc, abiolutc Absolutc timc. See Time, abiolutc Abiolutc zero: Planck attacks Mach’* un-derstanding of, 225

Absolutu: Newton'* understanding of, 95, 334-335: Machist criticism* of 59-104. 250-251, 274-275: as constancici, 168; a* ccrtainties, 31

Ach, N.: worked on image less thougbts, 230

Ackeret,    coir.ed cxprcssion “Mach

number," 112, 336

Ackcrmann Antiquanat, Theodor (a Mu-nich book siorc), sold part of Mach’* library, 330, 337

Acoustics: Mach’* books, Iccturcs, and laboratory approach toward, 15, 21, 42, 43. *56. 328: acoustic wavcs, 106, 115: mentioned 85. 326

Act psychology: dcscribcd, 61-62. See oho Brentano, Franz

Adler, Friedrich (Austrian literary figurę): mentioned, 332

Adler, Friedrich (Austrian socialist, physi-cist, and follower of Mach): as philoso-pher, 186-187, 235. 24?; advises Mach on Lenin and Russia, 235-236: de-fended Mach against Planck, 222, 347-348: relation* with Einstein, 251, 256. 351; assassination of Austrian prime minister, 256, 294: political acmities in Auuria and Switzerland, 300-301: mentioned, 344. 349. 355 Adler, Vikfor (father of abovc, leader of

Austrian socialist*): Mach’* friend, i36, 235

Aksclrod, Lyubov: w rotę against Maeh-ism, 241

Alemfccrt, fean Ir Rond D’: attempted to dcrive dynamie* from krnematie*, 335

Altmann. Bruno: deicribcd Mach colonv (Zurich) and its influence on Einstein. 189-190, 344

Amrnra, the United Srates ot: Mach'* philosophical influence in, 126-131, 201-203. 270-271; mentioned. 10, 233

Anaiyrit 0/ Sensaiiom (Mach’s book on psycholog)’ and phenomenalism): firn drań abandoned, 25; origmil title. 63; rcvised and cnlargcd, 1S0; latc rcsiswn, 271; forcign translations, 181-182: Bogdanov’* preface, 239; Stumpf and Lipp* critical toward, 120-121, 2:7-229: footnotc refcrcncc* to. 325-334. 337-338. 34i-343> 346. 34$. 355. 358. 360. Sec also Contribuńotu to the Anriyns of Semationt

Analogy: knowlcdge of other pcople by, 36. 122: reliability of. 168. 178

Analytic philosophy. See Vicnna Cirdc; LogicaJ Po$itivism: Wingenstein, Ludwig

Analytic truth. See Truth, analytic

Angsiróm. Anders: troublc mcasuring Doppler effect. 17

Aninul psycholog)-: Mach’* vi«w» on, 68-7*

Animals: Mach'* attitudc ud bchasior toward. 41. 2S7. 280-290

Anthropology. Mach’* intercst id, 271.



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