strombergCDSB 4

strombergCDSB 4

If wre is excrciscd in setting each throttłe open the same extent, then lifting each sir valvc in turn will giwjlimilar re-action as out-lined under the instruction " Sctting thc łcle " ind any fkial setting oi tho |et adjusting screw can be mado to ensure idle specd rcmains constint or falls slightly on lifting the vaive.

Rnaliy, adjust tsst-idlc stop screw in accordancc with setting dctails for tWperticular applicaticn and lock securely with loefc nut. Notę: Remember that the idhMuiily dependf to a igeextenl upon the generał engine cor-dition and such pcir.:s as tappet aSjustmcnt, spark plugs and ignition timing should tc insp-cted if ;dłir.g is not stable. It is ilso important to climinatc any Icaks at manifold jointr. There willcomea time whenthe woar of throttłe spindJo and bearings in the carburetter will effect idle and it will be ad-risable to replace thc spindle. Later, when a new spindle is not effeetive by reason of the degrce of wear in bcarings in the unit it will be ncccssary *c-fit a new carburetter.

Float LcycI

When correctly set and with thc carburetter inverted measure to tho hlghest point oi the floats above the tace of the mam body with the fucl inlct ncedle on its seating. The correct measurcment is indiwted on our Parts Schedule for the appropriatc applicaticn. Great care must be takcn not to twist or distort thc float arms. to onsure a constant fucl lewtf.

Should it be necessary to reset the flost level, this can be carried out by bsnding the tag which eon tac ts the end of the needle 6. Care should bo takcn to maintain the tag at right angles to the recdle in the closed position.

Notę: An additiorul washer under the needle seating assembły will lower the Ievel and >s a simpler method of eflecting a smali changę than bending the tag on the float.

Jet Centralisatlon

The cflkicnt operation of the carburetter depends on free morement of the air vaive and needle in The jet orifice; In tne Stromfccrg there is annular dearanco around tho crifico bush 23 which pcrrmts thc latcral pojitioning of thc bush and jet. Thus it may be damped up in such a position that the metering needle 29 mores freely in the orifice 19.

When thc carburetter leares the factory the orifice bush is in the correct position ar.d this can be checfced by lifting the air va1vc by means of the spring loaded pin 9 and notlng that tho valve falls freely.

If for any reason, the jet assembły is removed, it must be re-centred.


1.    Lift the a»r valve 13 and tighten :h= je*, assemoly 12 fully.

2.    Screw up the orifice adjuster until thc top of the orifko 19 is Jurt abovc the bridge 28.

3.    Slacken off thc wholc jet assembły 12 approximately half-a-tum to rclease the orifice bush 23.

If ncccssary, assist thc ai

4.    Allow the air valve 18 to fali; the needle will then enter the orifice and thus automatkally ccntralise u valve drop by inserting a soft metal rod in the dasńpot after unscrewing the damper.

5.    Tighten the assembły 12 slowly, checkmg frcqu«ntly that tho nccdlc romalns frcc in thc orifice. Check by rahing the air valvc approxlmatcly ł' and allowing it to fali freely. The pćston should then stop firmly on the bridge.

6.    Rcse: idle as outlined earli«r.

Sticking of the air valve can be explained by dirt or carbon on the outside diameter of the air valve and the borę in which tho air valvc mores or if the metering noedlo is bcn:.

To removc thc air valve.assembły take off the top cover by undoing the screws 2 when the asscmbiy with di phragm can be lifted out of the mam body.

The outside of the air valve and tho borc can bc wiped clcan with a rag that is moistened with parafiin or pctrol but if the diaphragm has expanded one will have to allow it to dry for a lew minutes before it will fit on the bead and rccoss for the locating tab. If it is ncccssary to clcan the diaphragm, u$e only clcan rag.

In common with other p-oducts madę from rubber compoonds any contact of thc diaphragm with volati!c dcancrs such as tri-chloroethylene should bo avoidcd.

If cx»mination of the needle indiestes it is bant it should bs rcplaccd with a new one bearing thc specified marking as detailed m the specilicalion for thc particular make and model of engine.

In replaeing or lifting a new metering needle thc shoulder must lino up with the lower face of the air valve and the locklng screw 10 tightened fully.

The needle is machlned co v«ry elose limit* and should be handled with care.

Air Valve/Diaphragm Assembły

A bcad and locating tab is moulded to both the mner and outer radii of thc diaphragm to ensure correct positioning of this item. The diaphragm is sccurcd to the air valve by a ring and screws with loekwashers and <t is very necessary to ensure thc bcad is correctly located and the screws tightened fully.    .

Location for thc bcad and tab on the outer radii of the diaphragm is provided by a location channel at the top of the main body.

It'«impartant that location boads and tabs are accuratcly positioned.

When refitting the suction chamber cover, place it eccurately so that tho serew holes linę up with those in the main body. this will prcYcnt any disturbatKC of the located diaphragm.

Air Valv« Rod and Guide

The air valve rod and guide must be kept dcan and should not be handled unduly to avoid corrosion. A few drops of light oil should be applied to thc rod before refitting.

Floacchamber Remoyal

To preveqt the teakage of pctrol from thc floatchamber, a rubber ” O " ring 11 h situated betwcen the jet asscmbiy and thc float-chambcr spigot boss.

Care should bo takcn when rcmoving the floatchamber to avoid damage to the facet and floats.





Monufociurcrs of Zenith, Sofejr ond Strombtrg Corburefters HONEYPOT LANE, STANMORE KIODLESEX.

T«lo(ruti: ZoUarbur, Norphsne. lor-lcn.    Tein No. IJSTI    Tcłophow : WORd«»ofth 0343 (II liMi)

PriMotf ii» En jliM.


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