strona (472)

strona (472)

Czas zabiegu

Zabiegi diatermii mikrofalowej trwają zazwyczaj 10-12 minut, jeżeli obszar przegrzewany jest niewielki (np. twarz, nadgarstek. staw łokciowy, staw skokowy), natomiast większe obszary (np. dolna część pleców, brzuch, okolice stawu barkowego) wymagają przedłużenia seansu.


1.    Wilensky J. Aronoff G: Therapeutic use of heat. Rx: Home Care, July 1985, p. 70

2.    Abramson D. Bell Y, Rejal H ct al: Effect of shortwave diathermy on blood flow. Am J Phys Med


3.    Abramson D. Bcaconsfield P: Shortwave dia-thermy and blood flow. Arch Phys Med Rehab


4 Binder A. Parr G. Hazleman B, Fitton-Jackson S: Electromagnetic therapy for rotator cuff tendinitis. Lancet 1:695, 1984

5.    Bierman WS. Licht S: Physical Medicine in General Practice. 3rd Ed. Hoeber. New York, 1952

6.    Wadsworth H. Chanmugam A: Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy. Science Press, Marrick-ville, Australia, 1980

7.    Segura JW. Opitz JL, Greene LF: Prostatosis, prostatitis or pelvic floor myalgea. J Uroi 122:168, 1979

8 Woodward WW: Inductolherm in anuria. Lancet, 1957. p. 273

9.    Jahier R. Tillier R: Case of amenorrhea treated with high freąuency current. J Radio! Electrol (France) 28:55, 1947

10.    Upton J, Benson G: Results with local heating in P1D JAMA 121:38. 1943

11.    Bengston B: Sustained intemal radiant heat in lesions of the pelvis. Arch Phys Ther 24:2632, 1943

12.    Kottke F: Shortwave diathermy in pelvic heating. Arch Phys Med Rehab 36:36, 1955

13.    Gronroos M, Liukko P: Treatmenl of vulval epithelial lesions by pulsed high frequency therapy. AC Obstet/Gynecol Scand 58:157, 1979. Abstracled in APTA/OB-GYN Buli 4:1, 1980

14.    Balogun JA. Okonofua F: Management of Chronić Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with Shortwave Diathermy. Physical Therapy 66:1541-1545, 1988.

15.    Bierman W, Licht S: Physical Medicine in General Practice. 3rd Ed. Hoeber. New York. 1952. p. 719

16.    Wadsworth H. Chanmugam A: Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy. Science Press, Mar-rickvillc. Australia. 1980, p. 71

17.    Anonymous: Shortwave diathermy for otitis (progress report). APTA June 1984, p. 6

18.    Kiihn J: Clinical Electrothcrapy. 4th Ed J. Kahn. Syosset, NY. 1985, p. 95

19.    Kahn J: Shortwave Diathermy-Undcrestima-ted Potential. Whirlpool (APTA/PPS). 1978, p. 26

20.    Kahn J: Shortwave diathermy-dynamite or di-nosaur? PT Forum 3:9, 1984

21.    Anonymous:    Therapeutic Microwave and

Shortwave Diathermy. US Department of Health and Humań Services, Rockville, MD, December 1984

22.    Anonymous: Shortwave Diathermy Units, Health Devices. VoI. 8. Emcrgency Care Research Insti-tute, Plymouth. VA, June 1979, p. 175

23.    Anonymous: Shortwave Diathermy: Asses-sment Report Senes. Vol. 1, No. 16. US Department of Health and Humań Scrvices, Rockville, MD, 1981

24.    Quinn P (compiler): Bibliography on Diathermy. Information Central, APTA. Alexandria, VA. 1982

25.    Boyle JR. Sman B: Stimulation of bonę growth by shortwave diathermy. J Bonę Joint Surg 45A1, 1963

26.    Amundsen H: Thermotherapy and cryothera-py-effects on joint regeneration in rheumatoid arthri-tis. Physiother Can 31:258, 1979

27.    Taylor GA: Treating elephants with shortwave diathermy. Physiotherapy 56:62. 1970

28.    Daels J: Induction heating of abdomen during Iabor-Ghent. Belgium. As reported in Medical World News, June 7, 1974. p. 129

29.    Guy’s Hospital, London (team): Shortwave diathermy in Iow back pain. Lancet 1:1258, 1985

30.    Anonymous: Microwave Diathermy. 3rd Ed. Burdick Corp.. Milton. WI. 1972

31.    Paelzold J: Physical laws regarding the distri-bution of energy for various high frequency methods applied in heat therapy. Ultrasound Med Biol 2:58, 1956

32.    Shriber WJ: A Manuał of Electrothcrapy. 4th Ed. Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia, 1981. p. 208


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