• Reinstall the compression adjuster assembly (J).
Replace the O-rings on the compression adjuster assembly with new ones.
H Compression adjuster assembly:
30 N m (3.0 kgf-m, 21.5 Ib-ft)
• Fili the rear shock absorber unit with nitrogen gas to 981 kPa (9.8 kgf/cirr, 139.5 psi).
• Tighten the gas valve cap.
Reinstall the spring and mount the shock absorber, (d^l 6-10)
Use of flammable gas for pressuring the rear shock absorber unit can be hazardous. Flammable gas such as gas welding oxygen can create a tire hazard.
Use nitrogen gas. If is nitrogen gas is not available, compressed air free from water can be substituted.
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Applying too much pressure to the rear shock absorber unit may rupture the rear sNoęk absorber
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Be surę to fili the rear shock absorber unit tó the spec-ified pressure. f ..J. - . \ " '
Riding the motorcycle with abnormal gas pressure can damage the rear shock absorber unit. Low gas pressure can result in oil leakage. Abnormal gas pressure cannot provide normal rear shock absorber unit performance.
Be surę to fili the rear shock absorber unit to the spec-ified pressure.
• Remove the rear shock absorber unit from the frame. Clean and dry it. (cen 6-7)
• Remove the spring from the rear shock absorber. (cen 6-8)
• Turn the rebound damping force adjuster to the softest posi-tion.
• Press the valve with a screwdriver to bleed out nitrogen gas. (C7M6-12)
• Remove the compression adjuster assembly. Drain the oil. (C^n 6-12)