Now please remember that I am no doctor of medicine, and that 1 do not pose as such. Wlten, therefore, in the following pages I give a few practical hints to sufferers front some of the most coinmon of these chronię ailmcnts and bodily defects, do not forget that my experience concerns inainly exercise and breathing. Therefore, if you will use this book for curing yourself, you should get the advice of your own doctor or a specialist about the best diet, what medicine or tonie to take (if any), how to bathe, etc , etc.
Abdomen, distended. The best exercises are No. 3, No. 6, with both legs at once. No. 12 and No. 18, when done very quickly, See the test described under Exercise No. 12.
ActDiTy. (See Indigestion).
Adenoids, beginning. Study " My Breathing System.’
Anemia. Young persons. mostly girls, suffering front this must gradually perform all the eighteen exercises (but only the rnilder degrees of the ftrst eight) in order to improre the assimilation of food and inerease the metabolisnt and generał circulation, without ttring themselses out. hours in the open air, with deep breathing without strenuous exercise, and in the summer, sun-bathing, not dressed, but naked (see " My Sunbathing and Fresh Air System "), are beneficial., weak. The special foot exercises explained on page 114 are exccllent. But all the vital organs should first be toned up, and the circulation. and the blood itself improved by some months' performance of the regular eighteen exercises of the " System." Otherwise the tissues of the weak spot will not get sufficient nourishment to make up for the extra strain, and the lamentable result will be inereased feebleness.
Appendicitis, beginning.
Arthritis. See the foregoing chapter.
Assimilation, bad.
Asthma, nervous. Real asthma in old people with the air pipę damaged can be healed no morę than lungs with cavities. But the sporadic attacks of asthma, very often due to poisoning of the nerves that control the muscles of expiration, can be cured by purifying the whole body (see " Auto-intoxication”).