s&h 086
ting position. Tbis at tirst may be au im-possible feat; if you liud ił, so get your toes under sonie piece of furniturc, whic-li will act as a braee. l)o tliis erery morniug and evening.
Anotber mmeuieut is to stand upriglit, witli tlie bands on tbe bips. Twist tbe body forward and backward, from rigbt to left and left to rigbt, and witli a eircular motiou, without moving tbe legs.
For abdomiual weakness tliis is eonceded to be tbe best exemse possible, and wbcu you pause to cousider tbe many liiiman ills wbirb have tbe stornach as tbeir source, you will lealize liow great tbe ralue of an exer-cise or system may be whieb will correct and regulate its fnnctions.
Tbe propcr circulation of tbe blood ought to reccire tbe most careful eonsideratiou, and for thal tliere is no specific remcdy nor moremeut. Fresli air and any exercise witbin reason will work womlers if per-sisteil in.
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