C. Dccidc whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. If you find them FALSE explain briefly why.
1. In English literaturę drama does not appear until Elizabethan period.
2. During his travels Swift discovers all the advantages of English society.
3. The IS* century witness the rise and fiourishing of joumalism in England.
4. Romantic poets stress the signiftcance of carefully chosen poctic diction and higly decorative language.
S.Shakespearean sonnet is a short poem which rigorously follows a fixed pattem.
6. In Victorian Age, like in mcdieval times, most literaturę was written by aristocracy and reflected aristocratic codę of conduct and style of life.
7. The name ‘Pre-Raphaelites’ refers both to painters and poets.
8. Aestheticism is a reaction against the ovcremphasizing of purc beauty in art.
9. An Ouiposl of Progress demonstrates the superiority of Western civilization.
10. Conceit is a poetic device commonly used Old English poetry.