Espionage agent for Soviet Union; later for Peopłe's Republic of China BASE
Various secret KGB basos in USSR; lator a military base in the People’s Republic of China
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Blue
Av&ngcrs #43 (August 1967)
Brillant athtolO and test pilot, trartod in espionago t«J«iiqijos and hand-to-hand combat by the KGO Disc on Retl Guarcfans bełt cotid be detachod and used as a throwng woopon; magnetic lorce retunad the dfec aftor throwing.
Ale\i Shostakov’s lifc was destincd to be radicaliy ditferem ffom that ot his wite.
Natasha Romanoff. A tałemed athlete and test pilot, Alcxi camc to the attention of the KGB. the Soviet secret service. which was eager ro reeruit ncw agents.The K< IB faked Ale.\i‘s dcath rtnd trained him to beeotne n top operative codenanicd Red Guardian. At the same timc they coached his wifc Natasha. kceping Alexis survival a secret froin her,and turning her into a secret agent codenamed Black Widów.
Ir was at tliis timc tliat Alexi and Natasha s paths began to divergc. While she becatnc disillusioned with her KGB tnasters and defccted to the USA.Alcxi retnaincd loyal and increasingly ruthless and vindictive.The pair were to meet one morę tiimj China, but their reunion was short-lived:just minutes after revealing his identity to Natasha, Alexi was shot and killed. AD
The Red Guardiarfs identity is reveated. ,
Aft er eocountering the Avengcrs.
| the Red Guardian batiles Hawkeye. Black Widowi lover.
Red Raven
Red Wolf
FIRST APPEARANCE Ped Rnven Corracs #t CAugust 1940)
OCCUPATION Adventurof BASE Mob-lo
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Car fly usmg anlt-gravity metalhc
wings. which can ateo deflect bullets and hro ©rwgy beams
FIRST APPEARANCE Awngers *80 (September 1970)
REAL NAME William TalHrees
OCCUPATION adventurw BASE Arrwican SouthwMt HEIGHT 6 fl 4 tfi WEIGHT 240 EYES &owr HAIR Bacfc SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhoman senses SkiiM haod
to-hand combatant Exper1 trackor and archer. Empłoys a coup stek (a 6ft wooden stalf usod as a bo or javełin). tomahawk and knife
FIRST APPEARANCE incradU* Mu* Voi 2 #343 (May 1988)
REAL NAME Craig Saunders
OCCUPATION Formor domolitons exper1 BASE New York HEIGHT 6 ft 1 « WEIGHT >05 ft* EYES Brown HAIR Whrte SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Bonded with combat Suit armad
with twm plasma canons on each hand. a rocket and grenado launcher, and rocket boots onabling 30 minulos of flight.
K.iised by .i lost tribe oflnhutnans known as the Bird-People. on a hoeering islam! in the Atlantic, Red Raven was a heroic inemher of the World War ll-era Liberty Legion. After the war. he placcd himsclfand his people into suspended animation to prcvcnt aggression between them and huinamty. Later. the Angel (see archangfi) iliscovcred Red Raven. who madę ii appear that his islam! lud bccn destroyed to ensure the privacy of the Bird-Pcoplc. I lis daughter Dania lus also assumed the identity of Red Ravcn. dw
RED Skull see opposite pace
The first Red Wolf is believed to have tamed the first horsc and conquered the American plains for the Cheyenne.Tlie sccond was John ny Wakeley. a Cheyenne orplun who Ibrged peacc between his people aiul the US Cavalry. The current Red Wolf is Will Talltrees who grew up on the Cheyenne Reservation, iii Wolf Point. Montana. After his family was murdered by businessmen, he begged the gods for the power to avenge them. The Wolf Spirit Owayodata heard his prayers. Following the legend of previous Red Wolves.Talltrecs later trained a wolf umil they almost thought as one. TD
After joining the military as a demolidons Craig Saunders* world came crashing dowi when he failed to defuse a bomb in an airport terminal, causmg the death of two civilians. Dcspcratc, hc joined a new paramilitary team callcd the Hulkbustcrs. but their clfort to defeat the Hui.k also ended in disappoimment.Takmg advaniage of Saunders* despair. the Leaper pcrsuaded him to become the Redeemer and integrated Saunders* body into a formidable yellow combat suit. Sadly. redemption was not to be his—Saunders died durmg his vcry first confrontation with old greenskin. AD