Tho radtotwn sf on Rcod Richar
prtol. Ben Gnmm was bombfirttefi with cosmicrays.
When Reed told Ben ot'his plan to one day build a starship. Ben jokingly said that he would pilot the ship.
A (ter college. Ben joined the US Air Force and became an excellent pilot and astronaut. Reeds starship reachcd the test stage but the Federal government threatened to cut otFfunding, Reed decided to stage a test flight. Ben agreed to pilot the ship. though hc worried that shields \veren’t strong enough.
Reed and Ben blastcd into space along with Reed’s tiancće,Susan Storni, and Sues brother Johnny. In space. the tbursoine was bombarded with high levels oł cosmic radiation.
Th© TWng battJos a toam of monstera ted by Groot. who te afołe to maniputete treos and his own wood-tke body.
The crew were altered on a gcnctic level and gained unusual powers. Ben s skin turncd orange and rocky. and his strength grew tremendously, earning him the nickname the Thing. Reed eonvinced the others that they should usc tlieir powers to help humanity as the Fantastic Four. Ben would sometimes revert back to his human Form unexpectedly, but ncither he nor Reed could control this change.
Ben s lifc changed when he tell in love with blind sculptress Alicia Masters. Rcturning trom exile atter being transported to distant Battleworld by the Blyondfr, Ben discovered that in his absence. Johnny Storni and Alicia Masters lud beeome lovcrs. Enraged. the Thing quit the Fantastic Four, but after a stint with the West Coast Avkn<;kks and self-imposed cxilc on the Moi f Mans Monster Island. he returned to the FF. MT
Benjamin Jacob Grimm OCCUPATION
Adventurer, former test pilot, wrestler
New York City
Ben Grimm, alias The Thing is a, hot-headed membcr of the Fantastic Four, using his abilities to fight evil, almost as often as he does battle with himself. Ben grew tip in New York City in poverty. Like his oldcr brotlier, Daniel, he got involved with a Street gang (sccYancy GANC).After his parents died, Ben was taken in by his unclejake, a doctor, who helped set the boy on the right track. Ben ended up going to Empire State University on a football scholarship. j His first-year roommate was brilliant science student ; Reed Richards, who became Ben s best friend.
WEIOHT 500 Ibs
Thing, The
HAIR (human form) Brown (the Thing) Nonę
(November 1961)
Alicia Mastws « Ben s truo lcvo. sh© toves him for himsotf and caras not hing for his monsłrous appearance.
Supertłuman strongth. ondurance. and durabSty. He can W 86 lons. atsorb tho btest of an armor* piercng bazooka shd. withsland temperatura extremes. and neods no suit to suvive n sjiace or in the ocean depths.
• Fantastic Four ai A”, aedder! n space changos pi'01 Ben Grimm into Itie orange-colorad rtx;k-eocrusted tho Thing.
• Fantastic Four *8 The Thng mools Akcia Masters and a long love afer begins.
• Fantastic Four a310 Hawrtg quit the Fantastic Four. tho Ihing dobdes topn the West Coasr Avengers. whon ho mulatos mto an ewen morę grotesouc creatUO. and SOtS Ott ter Mryister island to find Mde Mar.