


Hand luggagc

Hand luggage (Fig 6) forms part of an historical character. Every individual would need to carry his possessions. For the wealthy, boxes and coffers would be loaded onto a cart or packhorse. Others might sling their bundle or blanket-roll on their back, or carry a basket at the hip, or on the head (Surcotes, Fig 1). Baskets of all shapes and sizes were used and any modern basket madę of natural willow or rush will look acceptable.

Pilgrims and friars might carry a scrip, iike a smali satchel, and shepherds a distinctive netting or canvas belt bag. Many people travelled very light, however, with just a knife on the belt.

6. Hand luggage

a.    Coffers for valuables.

b.    Bundles. Tie the pairs of opposite corners to enclose the contents completely. A smali bundle would be carried on a stick; a larger one would be slung over the shoulder.

c.    Left Pilgrim's or friar's canvas scrip (wallet or satchel).

Ftight Shepherd's bag.

d.    Fiat rush skep, about 50 cm in diameter, also madę in canvas. It might be filled with tools and carried with the two handles together.

e.    Baskets. The smali basket can be used to show off your period possessions. The larger basket with its fresh linen covering can be useful for hiding your modern necessities.



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