Qulck, §ew Sssy,
lew Ipoiled
Cfi) Sew SpotoJ JCOt Sess Spodcd pancms conlcnt u uhm Ihc luMul ił eopsnyhlcd and cmi n<K hc reproduccd clcc-Irenścally or copicd and disiribuKtł łkmes-er ihe linnhed produet tlu« yesa as a independent Home Soamstress produCCS can K- sold in your shop. pros idcd ihc panem »as purehased from an authonred dealer and sou stale in ihc deser i piwo. "Thtł >« an on^nai desrgn by leah WMiama from har Sew Sporfad Monvny and Mc Bacfcpack panam* Ali ilems for sale raust hc lundmade by you. Cortraeting »>th «hcrs (o mass produce Ihc design* is csprcssly prohibited.