ubaid kultura

ubaid kultura


Bit Bunakki

•Tutub /

• Nenbtum Akshak


Ubaid Culture Sites - Southern lraq

The first Great Flood, 5000 BCE, (creation by Tiamat?, Wooley's excavations at Ur?) Sumerians clairrtthat they __ arrive from Dilmun, settling in Eridu (early tojnid Ubaid period 4,850 - 4,500 SCE) (descent of kingship at Eridu?)

tor Untąsh


• NippOr--i

^ Pazurish-Dagan in^N*. •Kissura

Arrival of Neolithic farmers speaking an unknown language 5,850 BCE, bringing elements of Samara culture (6,000 BCE). The foli owi ng Hadji Muhammed culture pioneers irrigation. Rivers(most Sumerian cities and crafts were probably named

Ubaid Culture Sites

Arrival of Akkadian Semites (early to mid Ubaid culture 5,300-4,750 BCE)




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