Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 216

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 216

TEST 12A Student A







6 7

1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

0 The^iostfceat the match.

You play cricket with a bat/racket.

Manchester United won/beat Arsenał.

In tennis you kick/hit the bali.

The spectators/helmets watched the football gamÄ™.

In a football match, the umpire/referee makes surÄ™ play is fair.

He won/scored a goal in the last minutÄ™.

The bali went over the net/athlete

[ Score: /7 j

2 Complete the sentences with a form of must or

have to.

0    lt’s free to enter. You don't haveto pay

1    You_come to the party if you don't want to. It's


2    We_work on Monday. as it was a holiday.

3    You_bring drinks into the Computer room. They

might spili.

4    I_practise my piano every night when I was a


5    Players__wear shin pads. but ifs a good idea

6    Children_go on the tennis courts without adults.

7    You_do the washing up. We have a dishwasher.

8    Frank_work in the evenings to pay for his studies.

Score: /8

3 Complete the text with the numbered words and phrases.

a)mustn’t b)goals c) hes to d)wins ejdraw f) don't have to

In football, each player 0 Ä™} work as part of a team. A team

is eleven players but you 1_have this number as any

group can play. Players 2_touch the bali with their

hands, except for the goalkeeper. The aim is to score

3_. The team with the highest number of goals 4_

the gamÄ™. If they have the same number of goals then ifs a 5_.

g) don’t have to h) sport i} Cars j) fast k) mustn’t

Cycling is both a form of transport and a 6_. In cities

it can be dangerous. You 7_wear a helmet, but ifs a

good idea. 8_sometimes dont see cyclists. There are

no real rules except that you 9_cycle on the pavement.

There are special cycle paths. In cycling as a sport, the main aim istobe 10_.

f Score: /10|

Total: /25

TEST 12A f Student B


1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

0    The^Jost/beat the match.

1    You play tennis with a bat/racket

2    Manchester United lost/beat ArsenaÅ‚.

3    In football you wear gloves/shin pads.

4    The athletes/umpire ran around the track.

5    Tom passed/scored a point in the finaÅ‚ minutÄ™.

6    They got one goa) each. The gamÄ™ was a pass/draw.

7    The football team has eleven players/referees.

3 Complete the text with the numbered words and phrases.

a) mustn’1 b) to hit c) hes to d) to play e) have to f) don't have to

In the gamÄ™ of tennis, each player 0 ci have a racket and

balls. They 1_wear any special dothes. They 2_

wear trainers or tennis shoes. in some clubs, players 3_

wear shoes with dark sdes. as this can damage the court.

The objective is 4_the bali over the net. Many peopie

like 5_in a park. where it is a free or low-cost sport.

| Score: 17

2 Complete the sentences with a form of must or have to.

0    Ifs free to enter. You don'thave to pay.

1    You_run near the pool. It s dangerous.

2    In the past. children_work. Now they don’t.

3    We_bring mobile phones to schód. Ifs forbtdden.

4    I_speak English when I went to London.

5    _play that musie all the time?

6    l’m a member of the Club. I_pay to use the


7    You_walk on the grass without shoes. You might

cut your foot.

[g)kick h) popular i) score j) don’t have to k)mustn't

Football is a 6_gamÄ™. espedally for boys. You 7_

have any special equipment and you can play anywhere.

One important rule is that you 8_touch the bali with your

hands, only 9_it with your feet. If you 10_a goal,

you couid be the hero!

Score: /10

Total: /25



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