3 52 Look at the photo of GraumarTs Chinese Theatre. Listen to the information and then complete the brochure.
Graumans Chinese Theatre
Thia beautiful theatre is actually a ęinęrm. and it
o pe n ed i n2_ . Yo u ca n ffo on a3-of the bil i 1 di ng
(but you can'i scc* a film therc). Tliere are morę tlian
<_ _ celebrltłea' pnnts ln t.he pavemeut ln front of
the theatre. You‘11 also see the prints of three- .
Outside the theatre you can tako płiotos of the Street performera, but remember. you have to6-!
The Walk of Tanie
This is nearly7_long. Thcre are about8-stara in
Discuss where Ss can find morę information. They may be able to collect brochures from local tourist offices. as well as gather information from the Internet.
The project could include finding pictures to illustrate their text and building the whole class work into a brochure.
New words
• celebrity • ceremony • earthquake zonę
• expenence (v) • extremely • (film) set
• ground • hand and footprints • mdustry
• pavement • sightseers • sign • spread
• State • therne park • trail
the pavement. They contain the names of celebrities who work in show business. Tliey aren t always rcal people - some9_characters have their own stars!
1 5i Read and complete Ihe text with the sentences (a-d).
a) Another major industry is tourism.
b) The weather can be a problem, too.
c) Los Angeles is much morę than a city.
d) Unfortunately. the location of LA can cause serious problems.
1 Imagine you are in LA for a day. Which places would you most like to visit?
2 Would you like to live in LA? Why/Why not?
Writing tip: Paragraphs and topie sentences
Organise your writing in paragraphs with different topics. You can start each new paragraph with a ‘topie sentence’ This tells the reader the main topie of the paragraph.
Now do Exercise 5.
2 Choose the correct options.
1 Los Angeles is a) part of a city.
b) bigger than a city.
c) an American State.
2 Hollywood is a) in Los Angeles.
b) an area near Los Angeles.
c) a separate city.
3 About 24 million people a) live in LA.
b) work in LA. c) visit LA.
4 There are earthquakes because of a) the buildings. b) the area.
c) the weather.
5 The fires usually happen
a) in the autumn. b) in the summer. c) at any time.
5a in pairs, choose a place in Poland that is famous and popular with tourists. Make notes. Use the questions to help you.
1 Where is it, and why is it famous?
2 Which areas are the most popular with tourists. and why?
3 What problems are there. and what causes them?
b Use your notes to write three paragraphs about the place you chose. Start each paragraph with a topie sentence. Look again at the text in Exercise 1 for examples of topie sentences.
ę Find out morę about the place you wrote about in ę Exercise 5. Write some information for an online tourist brochure.
Writing tip: Paragraphs and topie sentences
Direct Ss to the Writing tip. You may want to ask Ss to locate the topie sentence - the first sentence - in each paragraph in Exercise 1.
5 a Ss may like to gather ideas as a class of tourist attractions in Poland. Write these on the board and ask each pair to choose a different attraction, if possible. They then answer the questions 1 -3. They should make notes as they
Before Ss start writing. mtroduce some language for describing famous places:
It 's in the middle/centre/north/south of... The main attraction is ...
It is popular with ... because...
You can buy/see/visit...
b Ask Ss to work in pairs to expand the notes into paragraphs. Help them create topie sentences.