Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 102

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 102


Reported requests and commands

Subject    Verb    Object    lnfinitive

The article    told    them    to buy some socks.

People    asked    the newspaper to explain.

It    told/asked readers    not to worry.


Be careful about changes to pronouns in reported speech, e.g. â– Please tell us morÄ™ about it.'

They asked the newspaper to tell them morÄ™ about it. Practice

A- Report the requests and commands. Use the correct form of the words In brackets.

1    Harry said, 'Can you help me?' (ask/us)

Harry asked us to help him.

2    The teacher said. Dont shout.’ (tell/me)

3    The police officer said. ‘Stop!’ (tell/the cyclist)

4    I said. ‘Could you show me the photos?’ (ask/James)

5    Emma's parents said, *Don’t be late home.' (tell/her)

6    Sam said. Please don’t tell anyone.’ (ask/his fnend)

5 vj Listen and complete the requests and commands.

1    He asked LukÄ™ toopen the door.

2    She_everyone_quiet.

3 He_the boys_.

4 She_Anna_her some coffee.

5    He John_that song again.

6    He class six_and open their books.

Vocabulary: Adjective word order

We often put two or three adjectives together before a noun.

They usually go in this order:

opinion size age shape

colour origin

materiał noun

strange oval





amazing new

woollen socks




Answer key

2    her brother had moved everything in the kitchen.

3    put everything back. 4 make him a sandwich. 5 cheese sandwich (for him). 6 she had put pepper in the sandwich.

Answer key

Interesting (3), national (2), comfortable (3), listening (2), everything (3)


6 Put the words in the correct order.

1    old T-shirts cheap cotton cheap old cotton T-shirts

2    box a strange wooden square

3    young artist an Polish exciting

4    shoes pink smali some plastic

5    film Interesting new American an

7 Describe each picture with three adjectives from the box.

•    big • blue • British • brown

•    comfortable • expensive

•    gold • leather • new * round

•    successful • young

1    an expen$ive__watch

2    a___singer

3 ___boots

4 ___eyes


8    m Listen to a radio programme and complete the sentences.

1    Davey Jones asked the listeners to tell him about April Fools' Day.

2    Suzy was annoyed at first because

3    She told her brother to_.

4    Her brother asked her to_.

5    She madÄ™ a_.

6    She laughed because_.


Compression (/'cvri/ every)

9    Å Go to page 135.


10 Talk about you. Is there a day like April Fools’ Day in Poland? Have you or a friend ever played a practical joke on someone?

Extra practice

For morÄ™ practice, go to page 127.

J J J O \J

8 2.51 Explain that Ss will hear a radio programme about April Fool jokes and that they should make notes in their notebooks, in order to complete the sentences after they have listened.



/'evri/ every

9 a 2.52 Ask Ss to turn to page 135. They should listen and write the words they hear. Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs and to decide how many syllables each word has. Explain that these words have a syllable which is not pronounced. They then listen and check. Ss repeat the words with the correct pronunciation.

b 2.53 Ss listen and repeat the words. Ss write a short text including as many of the words from the pronunciation exercise as they can.

C 2.54 Ss listen and repeat the phrases.

Answer key

2 told, to be 3 told, not to run 4 asked, to make 5 asked, not to play 6 told, to sit down

Adjective word


Answer key

2 a strange square wooden box 3 an exciting young Polish artist 4 some smali pink plastic shoes 5 an interesting new American film



Books closed, write the following words on the board: socks, amazing, woollen, new.

Ask Ss to write the sentence in the correct order. Ss should put the noun last but may be unsure about the order of adjectives. Explain th»t the order is fixed. Thpy can then study the

Check that Ss understand the adjectives in the box. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss what they can see. Explain that they should use the words in the box to describe the pictures. taking care with the order of the adjectives.


10 Ask Ss if they have April Fools' Day in their country, and if they have, what kind of jokes are played. Are there any similar ‘famous’ examples of April Fool jokes like the ones in Exercise 1 in their country? Ss may need a little time to think of stories before they offer any ideas. Allow them to make a few notes.

Extra practice

Ss go to page 127 in the SB.

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