form a lineÎlebrations kit horseshoe

form a lineÎlebrations kit horseshoe


llorsrsboc    Cclclirution Kil 2

Iłieie pmicrn dctails slioulJ hc uicd in conjuiieiion willi Ok Form-A-I.ines <• Imtrucliom at ihc hack oflhif tooklcl.

“Om 41..." mcans hring ihc nccdlc fcocn thc hack of tl« wwk tlirouj;li la tlie frrwtf.

“In al..." rncaru lako dkc ncolfc fn>m ihc ngłil mJc uf thc wwk ihrough lo ihc Kack.

On many scctiom uf ihił design sumę buki arc u«ed moce Ihan oocc.

Ilorsoboc Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in at I Cotuinuc this $cqucncc umil ihc hofscshoc i* complctc

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!Wk ł orni-A-l ino inuiu.r»»M trt

<Of>T%M O 3091 DJOotsm

mJ im) nci tv irp<o»Xxfd aidiotf pnuuunn ruhlnhoJ b> Cant Imr-newat lewallilllann. Icwm lltrn AlAOM.DK r«ł OI4>* 717000 Ĺ‚AX OI4)l 717477

AU of thc holcs arc uscd lwice.

Mail hole Out at (< in at li Out at I in at J Out at O in at )

Out at I inat 11 Stitch thc other ruil hole* in thc unie w*v


Backsittch thc hccl front K to I.. Outlinc

Out at M in ot X Out as O in at N Out as O in at P Out at 0 in at P Continuc Stitching in this way unlil thc outlinc i' complctc.


Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Stitch the other croucs in thc same wa>.


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