,\i I asi. Stephen King rciuins lo ihe Park Tower wtth ihe eagerly antic ipatcd louitli solume in Ins bcslse Ihng senes Holami The Last (•unslingrr and his barn! ol foliom fis ha\e narro»lv escaped one woftd. and slipped IniO ihe nfxt ll ls herr ihal Roland lells ihrm a long-ago lale o( lovr and adsrniure łmoking a heaulilul and qui\oiu w oman nanird Susan Delgado W uh shoe lung plot iwtois and a drmng nanalisc (orce. <indf'his\ is ihe book rraders łuvc l>cen wailing for
An,l ihr Tawern iloser ...
Set in a world ol estraordinais firtumsuiucs. flllcd wilk stunning sisnal inugers- and unlorgrllable characters. Ihe l>aik Tower senes is unlike amthing urn've c\er rcad Herc is Stephen Kmgs most \ isionarv piece of sfoistclling. a magual mi\ ol fantasy and honor ihal mas well be his ciowningachiesement
|otn the qucst for ihe elusnc Park Tower
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C-Orf Mrt t>y aołv> Aid* PaMnea*