

Datę. Name.

Starting Position: Stand with feet spread about two feet apart and with toes pointing slightly outward. Hołd bali between one arm and side of trunk. Raise other arm out to side parallel to floor.

Movement/Exercise: Raise free arm up toward ceiling and simultaneously side bend trunk letting weight rest on bali while hips sway to opposite side for counter balance. Hoid. Return to start. Repeat. Switch to other side.


Breathing: Inhale while side bending, exhale while returning to start.

Modification: Only bend as far as comfort allows or keep opposite arm at side.

Progression: Push up on toe on side of bali causing increased trunk sway and side bend.



Purpose/ Goal:.

Commertts: This is a gravity-assisted side bending slretch to increase flexibility of spine and ribs and can increase respiratory capacity on inhalation. Sway challenges balance.

© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT

Toss and Catch-Standing    _1

Starting Position: Stand with feet spread about two feet apart and allow ton-. to point outward. Hołd bali in front with elbows bent at 90°. Bend hips and kneos slightly. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize hips.

Movement/Exercise: Straighten hips and knees as arms toss bali against wali As bali is caught, allow hips and knees to bend.


Breathing: Inhale as bali is thrown, exhale as bali is caught.

Modification: Keep hips and knees straight as bali is tossed and caught.

Progression: Raise up on toes as bali is tossed, return heels to floor as bali is caught.


Repeat_Times    Do._Times/day

Purpose/ Goal:.

Comments: The 55cm bali weighs 1 1/2tbs, the 65cm bali weighs 2lbs. Calching Ihe bali requires trunk stabilizers to activate and absorb the momentum of tossing and catching the bali to maintain balance.

© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer PT



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