Datę. Name.
Starting Position: Stand with feet spread hip width apart and toes pointing forward with back to wali. Place bali between back and wali. Be surę not to lean backward against bali. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize hips. Pretend there is a box in front of feet.
Movement/Exercise: Bending hips and knees, lower body as if to pick up box. Bali will roli up back assisting trunk to lean forward as hips hinge backward to simulate proper body mechanics for lifting. Hołd. Straighten hips and knees to return to start.
Mrnathing: Exhale while squatting, inhale while returning to standing podltlon.
Modlflcation: Only squat as far as comfort allows. frogression:
I Ifold weighted bali or free weights in hands.
> I 'lek up one leg and squat as far as balance allows.
n.tHin/mln_ / Weights_ / Repeat_Times / Do.
This provides eccentric and concentric quadriceps and gluteal muscle strengthening m hilf liw ihlng proper body mechanics for sguatting.
C> ||#M l«y Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT
Starting Position: Sit on bali in optimal posturę.
Movement/Exercise: Step out to side with right foot and touch toes of left foot in front of it. Touch left hand to bali and raise right arm. Reverse by taking a big step out with left foot. Cross toes of right foot in front of left foot while reversing arms.
Breathing: Breathe comfortably. Do not hołd breath. **. .
Modification: Have someone guard by standing behind and give v >■. balance support by holding waist. ż .ć
1. Lift both feet at the same time and switch feet in air as bali rolls underneath buttocks.
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2. Stand up at the end of each movement to the side with hand touching bali.
3. Add speed.
Repeat_ Do_
Purpose/ Goal:.
Comments: Absorption of momentom challenges balance. timing, coordination and proprioception.
© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT